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Bill H 67 (2021-2022)Summary date: Jul 26 2021 - View SummaryAlcoholic Beverage Control, Animals, Business and Commerce, Occupational Licensing, Courts/Judiciary, Civil, Civil Law, Civil Procedure, Development, Land Use and Housing, Land Use, Planning and Zoning, Property and Housing, Education, Elementary and Secondary Education, Government, APA/Rule Making, General Assembly, State Agencies, Department of Administration, Department of Insurance, Department of Military & Veterans Affairs, Office of Information Technology Services, Local Government, Health and Human Services, Health, Health Care Facilities and Providers, Mental Health, Social Services, Military and Veteran's Affairs
Bill H 67 (2021-2022)Summary date: Jun 24 2021 - View Summary
Senate committee substitute to the 1st edition makes the following changes.
Updates the statutory language of GS 42-34.1 to reflect amendments made by SL 2021-47; maintains proposed technical corrections.
Adds the following content.
Amends GS 1-120.2 to update statutory references to GS Chapters 153A and 160A to GS Chapter 160D. Makes further technical changes.
Makes technical and clarifying changes to GS 160D-403. Corrects GS Chapter 160D statutory cross-references.
Amends GS 160D-604 to require planning boards to advise and comment on whether proposing zoning text or map amendments are consistent with any comprehensive or land-use plan that has been adopted or any other officially adopted plan that is applicable (was limited to adopted comprehensive plans and other applicable officially adopted plans). Changes language to refer to local acts of the NCGA, rather than special acts. Makes technical and conforming changes.
Similarly amends GS 160D-605 to require a governing board to approve a brief statement describing whether the adoption or rejection of any zoning text or map amendment is consistent with an adopted comprehensive plan or land-use plan (was adopted comprehensive plan only). Makes technical and conforming changes.
Makes technical and clarifying changes to GS 160D-944. Corrects the name of the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources. Corrects a GS Chapter 160D statutory cross-reference.
Makes technical and clarifying changes to GS 160D-1102. Corrects GS Chapter 160D statutory cross-references. Removes a statutory cross-reference to GS Chapter 160D with regard to the creation of joint inspection departments.
Amends GS 160D-1111, regarding the expiration of building permits, to refer to the expiration fixed by ordinance (rather than by ordinance of the city council). Makes further technical changes.
Amends GS 160D-1202, setting forth defined terms for Article 12 (previously referred to a Part, though the Article is not divided); no longer provides for the terms to mean otherwise based on context. Makes further technical changes.
Amends GS 14-113.9 to consistently refer to a financial transaction card.
Amends GS 15A-151.5, making a technical correction to the title of a statute referenced. Makes further technical changes.
Makes technical and clarifying changes to GS 18B-302. Makes language gender neutral. Adds subsection captions to subsections (j) and (k).
Makes technical and clarifying changes to GS 18B-900. Makes language gender neutral. Deletes misplaced language.
Deletes a statutory cross reference to a since repealed statute in GS 50-13.7. Makes further technical changes.
Makes technical changes to GS 85B-3.2.
Makes technical changes to GS 90B-9.1. Corrects a statutory cross-reference.
Recodifies GS 108A-58.2(e)(3)b. as (e)(3)c1. Updates a cross-reference to the administrative code. Updates language to refer to individuals with intellectual disabilities (was mentally retarded). Makes further technical and clarifying changes.
Similarly amends GS 108A-61.1 to update language to refer to individuals with intellectual disabilities (was mentally retarded).
Recodifies GS 108A-70.5(b)(1) as (b)(4) and makes organizational changes to the subdivision's sub-subdivisions. Updates language to refer to individuals with intellectual disabilities (was mentally retarded). Makes further technical and clarifying changes.
Makes technical and clarifying changes to GS 28A-14-1.
Makes technical and clarifying changes to GS 36C-8-818.
Amends GS 122C-23 to refer to licensable facilities for individuals with mental illnesses, individuals with intellectual or other developmental disabilities (was the mentally ill, developmentally disabled), and substance abusers. Makes further technical and clarifying changes. Deletes outdated language. Makes conforming changes to update language used for facilities for individuals with mental illness or an intellectual or other developmental disability with regard to licensing fees.
Similarly updates language used to refer to facilities for individuals with mental illness or intellectual disabilities, and individuals with mental illness or an intellectual or other developmental disability, in the following statutes: GS 131E-267; GS 131E-272; and GS 160D-907. Makes further technical changes to GS 131E-267 and GS 160D-907.
Makes technical and clarifying changes to GS 113-276. Makes language gender neutral. Deletes statutory cross-references to since repealed statutes.
Makes technical and clarifying changes to GS 115C-218.75. Adds a caption to subsection (h).
Corrects the name of the Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on Agriculture and Natural and Economic Resources in the title of Article 36, GS Chapter 120.
Makes technical changes to GS 143-318.18. Deletes a statutory cross-reference to a since repealed statute.
Repeals GS 143A-96.1, which transfers the Division of Veteran Affairs of the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs to the Department of Administration, and directs the Secretary of Administration to employ an additional assistant secretary as Assistant Secretary for Veterans Affairs. Amends GS 144-9 to now provide for disposal of worn, tattered, or damaged of a United States or State flag by the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs (was the Division of Veterans Affairs of the Department of Administration). Charges the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs rather than the Division to establish a flag retirement program and annually report to the specified NCGA committee. Makes further technical changes.
Makes technical changes to GS 143B-1413.
Makes technical and clarifying changes to GS 150B-21.2.
Makes organizational changes to the act.
Alcoholic Beverage Control, Animals, Business and Commerce, Occupational Licensing, Courts/Judiciary, Civil, Civil Law, Civil Procedure, Family Law, Court System, Criminal Justice, Criminal Law and Procedure, Development, Land Use and Housing, Land Use, Planning and Zoning, Property and Housing, Education, Elementary and Secondary Education, Government, APA/Rule Making, General Assembly, State Agencies, Department of Administration, Department of Insurance, Department of Military & Veterans Affairs, Office of Information Technology Services, Local Government, Health and Human Services, Health, Health Care Facilities and Providers, Mental Health, Social Services, Military and Veteran's Affairs
Bill H 67 (2021-2022)Summary date: Feb 10 2021 - View Summary
Amends GS 42-34.1 by making technical corrections.
Recodifies GS 150B-2(1b) and (7) as (1a) and (5a), respectively. Makes technical and organizational changes throughout the statute. Makes language gender neutral. Amends the definition of Rule to exclude standards adopted by the State Chief Information Officer (was, by the Department of Information Technology) and applied to information technology. Amends GS 150B-38 by making technical and clarifying changes; makes language gender neutral. Also makes a conforming change by removing from the statute's scope standards adopted by the State Chief Information Officer and applied to information technology. Amends GS 122C-151.4 by changing the term Appeals Panel to Panel. Makes additional conforming and technical changes. Amends GS 150B-23 by making clarifying and technical changes.
Repeals Section 5 of SL 2020-90, which, if H 593 from 2019-20 became law, would have amended that act to allow the the District Attorney to petition the court for judicial review of the sex offender registration requirement upon making a preliminary determination, and notifying the person and the sheriff, that an identified individual’s out-of-state or federal conviction is substantially similar to an NC offense that would have required registration as a sex offender at the time of the offense.
Business and Commerce, Occupational Licensing, Courts/Judiciary, Civil, Civil Procedure, Court System, Criminal Justice, Criminal Law and Procedure, Development, Land Use and Housing, Property and Housing, Government, APA/Rule Making, State Agencies, Department of Insurance, Office of Information Technology Services, Local Government, Health and Human Services, Mental Health