All Bills

14649 bills match selection

Bill # Bill Short Title Filing Date Type Last Action L.A. Date View Track
H1091 HUB PROGRAM ENHANCEMENTS. May 10 2016 Public Ref To Com On Appropriations (House Action) May 11 2016 Summ.
H1091 NORWOOD CHARTER REVISED & CONSOLIDATED. Jun 7 2018 Local Ch. SL 2018-106 (House Action) Jun 26 2018 Summ.
H1091 TEACHNC LICENSE PLATE. May 14 2020 Public Ref to the Com on Finance, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House (House action) May 14 2020 Summ.
H1091 ORANGE GRANTS FOR BROADBAND. May 23 2012 Local Ref To Com On Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House (House Action) Jun 11 2012 Summ.
H1091 HOMES FOR HEROES. May 26 2022 Public Ref to the Com on Appropriations, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House (House action) May 27 2022 Summ.
H1091 STUDY SUPERVISION OF MAGISTRATES. May 15 2014 Public Ref To Com On Judiciary II (Senate Action) Jun 19 2014 Summ.
H1090 ORANGE-ALAMANCE REMAINING 9% BOUNDARY. May 23 2012 Local Ch. SL 2012-108 (House Action) Jun 28 2012 Summ.
H1090 AVERY COUNTY FIRE COMMISSION. Jun 7 2018 Local Ref To Com On State and Local Government I (House Action) Jun 11 2018 Summ.
H1090 PROSPERITY & ECON. OPPORTUNITY FOR ALL NC ACT. May 10 2016 Public Re-ref Com On Finance (House Action) Jun 15 2016 Summ.
H1090 FUNDS/STATE AGENCIES FOR LOSS OF RECEIPTS. May 14 2020 Public Ref to the Com on Appropriations, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House (House action) May 14 2020 Summ.
H1090 FAMILY MEDICINE LOAN FORGIVENESS PILOT. May 26 2022 Public Ref to the Com on Appropriations, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House (House action) May 27 2022 Summ.
H1090 AOC INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY POLICY. May 15 2014 Public Ref To Com On Judiciary II (Senate Action) Jun 19 2014 Summ.
H1089 AOC CIVIL CASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. May 15 2014 Public Ref To Com On Judiciary I (Senate Action) Jun 19 2014 Summ.
H1089 CANDIDACY CHALLENGE/EXPUNGED FELONY/SHERIFF (NEW). Jun 7 2018 Public Ref To Com On Rules and Operations of the Senate (Senate Action) Jun 15 2018 Summ.
H1089 STUDY ONLINE HIGHER EDUCATION. May 23 2012 Public Ref To Com On Education (House Action) May 24 2012 Summ.
H1089 REIMBURSE. FOR STATE INMATES HOUSED & TRANSP. May 10 2016 Public Ref To Com On Appropriations (House Action) May 11 2016 Summ.
H1089 ADOPT RHODODENDRON AS STATE SHRUB. May 14 2020 Public Ref to the Com on Appropriations, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House (House action) May 14 2020 Summ.
H1089 SUPPORT DV VICTIMS/OFFENDER REHABILITATION. May 26 2022 Public Ref to the Com on Appropriations, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House (House action) May 27 2022 Summ.
H1088 HIGHWAY PATROL ROUTINE MAINTENANCE. May 15 2014 Public Ref To Com On Transportation (Senate Action) Jun 19 2014 Summ.
H1088 ALLOW ELECTION DAY SERVICE - RETIRED LEOS. May 10 2016 Public Ref To Com On Pensions & Retirement and Aging (Senate Action) Jun 22 2016 Summ.
H1088 INVEST NC BOND ACT OF 2020. May 14 2020 Public Ref to the Com on Appropriations, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House (House action) May 14 2020 Summ.
H1088 COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER GRANTS FOR LARCS. May 26 2022 Public Ref to the Com on Appropriations, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House (House action) May 27 2022 Summ.
H1088 GRAHAM/SWAIN TVA ALLOCATION/BORDER. May 23 2012 Local Ch. SL 2012-62 (House Action) Jun 26 2012 Summ.
H1088 AUTHORIZE WILDLIFE ACT RESOLUTION. Jun 6 2018 Public Ref To Com On Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House (House Action) Jun 11 2018 Summ.
H1087 PRESERVE BIOLOGICAL EVIDENCE/STUDY. May 15 2014 Public Ref To Com On Judiciary II (Senate Action) Jun 10 2014 Summ.
H1087 MEDICAID ELIGIBILITY TIMELINESS/FUNDS. May 10 2016 Public Ref To Com On Appropriations (House Action) May 11 2016 Summ.
H1087 MENSTRUAL EQUITY FOR ALL. May 26 2022 Public Ref to the Com on Appropriations, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House (House action) May 27 2022 Summ.
H1087 ASHEVILLE/BODY-WORN CAMERAS. Jun 6 2018 Local Ref to the Com on Judiciary I, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House (House Action) Jun 7 2018 Summ.
H1087 FONTANA DAM OCCUPANCY TAX. May 23 2012 Local Ch. SL 2012-107 (House Action) Jun 28 2012 Summ.
H1087 WATER/WASTEWATER PUBLIC ENTERPRISE REFORM. (NEW) May 14 2020 Public Ch. SL 2020-79 Jul 1 2020 Summ.
H1086 CREATE PRETRIAL RELEASE STUDY COMMITTEE. May 14 2020 Public Ref to the Com on Judiciary, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House (House action) May 14 2020 Summ.
H1086 NC AND SC RAIL COMPACT. May 15 2014 Public Ch. SL 2014-121 (House Action) Sep 20 2014 Summ.
H1086 CLAY COUNTY COURTHOUSE. May 23 2012 Local Ref To Com On State and Local Government (Senate Action) Jun 14 2012 Summ.
H1086 YMCA AND CAMP FUNDING. May 26 2022 Public Ref to the Com on Appropriations, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House (House action) May 27 2022 Summ.
H1086 COUNTIES/INTERNET INFRASTRUCTURE. Jun 6 2018 Local Re-ref Com On Finance (House Action) Jun 13 2018 Summ.
H1086 REFUGEE RESETTLEMENT ACT OF 2016. May 10 2016 Public Ref to the Com on Judiciary II, if favorable, Appropriations (House Action) May 11 2016 Summ.
H1085 STATE HEALTH PLAN/STATUTORY CHANGES. May 23 2012 Public Ch. SL 2012-173 (House Action) Jul 12 2012 Summ.
H1085 FRONT LINE STATE EMPLOYEE HAZARD PAY/FUNDS. May 14 2020 Public Ref to the Com on Appropriations, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House (House action) May 14 2020 Summ.
H1085 INCREASE CHARTER SCHOOL ACCOUNTABILITY. May 15 2014 Public Ref To Com On Appropriations (House Action) May 19 2014 Summ.
H1085 GREENSBORO CRIMINAL JUSTICE ADVISORY COMM. Jun 6 2018 Local Ref To Com On Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House (House Action) Jun 7 2018 Summ.
H1085 HEALTH CARE PROVIDER/OFF-LABEL USES MEDS. May 26 2022 Public Ref to the Com on Appropriations, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House (House action) May 27 2022 Summ.
H1085 INCREASE GOVERNMENT CONTRACT TRANSPARENCY. May 10 2016 Public Ref to the Com on Elections, if favorable, Appropriations (House Action) May 11 2016 Summ.
H1084 EMPLOYER PAYMENTS FOR OMITTED MEMBERSHIP SVC. May 26 2022 Public Ref to the Com on Pensions and Retirement, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House (House action) May 27 2022 Summ.
H1084 BOB JORDAN TEACHING FELLOWS RESTORATION ACT. May 14 2020 Public Ref to the Com on Appropriations, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House (House action) May 14 2020 Summ.
H1084 HOAS/PLANNED COMMUNITY ACT AMENDS. May 23 2012 Public Ref To Com On Rules and Operations of the Senate (Senate Action) Jun 25 2012 Summ.
H1084 HIGH POINT/CITY MANAGER DISPOSE OF EASEMENTS. Jun 5 2018 Local Ch. SL 2018-63 (House Action) Jun 25 2018 Summ.
H1084 CHARTER SCHOOLS/STUDENTS WITH IEPS. May 15 2014 Public Ref To Com On Appropriations (House Action) May 19 2014 Summ.
H1084 DACS ENFORCEMENT AUTHORITY/BEDDING. May 10 2016 Public Ref To Com On Agriculture (House Action) May 11 2016 Summ.
H1083 WILMINGTON/ORDINANCE INITIATIVE & REFERENDUM. May 10 2016 Local Ch. SL 2016-13 (House Action) Jun 9 2016 Summ.
H1083 HUNTERSVILLE OCULAR MELANOMA STUDY FUNDS. May 14 2020 Public Ref to the Com on Appropriations, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House (House action) May 14 2020 Summ.
