Identical to S 800, filed 5/2/16.
Requires the Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Child Development and Early Education (Division), to study the costs associated with funding slots for the NC Pre-K program. Requires the Division to review and determine: (1) the total cost to fund an NC Pre-K slot, (2) the State share needed to fund an NC Pre-K slot by each setting, (3) the amount of funds needed to maintain the current number of NC Pre-K slots if the per slot cost were increased to the amount recommended by the study, (4) recommendations on how often the slot costs should be evaluated and reported, and (5) any other relevant issues.
Requires the Division to report to the chairs of the House and Senate Appropriations Committees on Health and Human Services and the Fiscal Research Division by February 1, 2017.
The Daily Bulletin: 2016-05-04
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The Daily Bulletin: 2016-05-04
Intro. by Dobson, Horn, Earle, Malone. | STUDY |
Amends GS 143B-1302(a), to provide that the State Chief Information Officer (State CIO) is the head of the Department of Information Technology (Department), a member of the Governor’s cabinet, and may also be referred to as the Secretary of the Department of Information Technology (was, State CIO is the head of the Department and a member of the Governor’s cabinet).
Intro. by Saine. | GS 143B |
Amends GS 163-278.11 concerning required disclosures of campaign donations, repealing GS 163-278.11(a1) which previously only required political treasurers to report the name, address, and occupation of donors that contributed more than $50 during an election as specified, thereby removing the threshold for reporting a contributor's identity.
Makes conforming changes and deletions.
Effective January 1, 2017, applying to contributions made on or after that date.
Intro. by Saine, Bishop. | GS 163 |
Enacts new Article 24 to GS Chapter 95 and states the Article is to be known as the Zip Line and Challenge Course Safety Act of North Carolina (Act). Sets out the legislative findings and intent.
Establishes that the Act's scope governs the design, construction, installation, plans review, testing, inspection, certification, operation, use, maintenance, alteration, relocation, and investigation of accidents involving zip lines, aerial adventure parks, canopy tours, challenge courses, or other similar devices, as those terms are defined the Act's definitions statute, GS 95-282. Provides that the Act does not apply to any zip line, aerial adventure park, canopy tour, challenge course, or other similar devices installed at a private residence.
Lists 20 powers and duties of the Commissioner of Labor (Commissioner), including the power to delegate powers, duties, and responsibilities of the Commissioner to, and to supervise, the Chief of the Elevator and Amusement Device Bureau; the power to adopt, modify, revoke and enforce rules necessary to carry out the Act's provisions; the power to require inspection and testing of new, modified or relocated devices subject to the Act; the power to obtain an Administrative and Inspection Warrant pursuant to Article 4A of GS Chapter 15; and the power to institute civil proceedings in courts of the state or order the payment of civil penalties when a provision of the Act or the rules promulgated under the Act have been violated. Also sets out limits on fees that may be charged for certificates of operation, inspections, and inspector certification.
Incorporates specified standards by reference that the design, manufacture, installation, operation, and maintenance of all devices subject to the Act must conform to, unless otherwise specifically provided in the Act or rules promulgated pursuant to the Act.
Requires an owner of a device subject to the provisions of the Act to annually submit an application for a certificate of operation to the Commissioner, on forms provided by the Commissioner, and to request a certificate of operation for each device at least 30 days before the first intended date of use each year. The Act defines an owner as any person or authorized agent of such person who owns a device subject to the provisions of the Act or in the event such device is leased, the lessee, and establishes that term also include the state or any political subdivision thereof or any unit of local government. Requires an owner of a device subject to the Act to include in the initial application certification from a professional engineer licensed in North Carolina indicating that the design and installation of the device has been approved by the professional engineer, and to include in any subsequent application certification from a professional engineer licensed in North Carolina indicating that any additions or alterations which substantially change the device have been approved by the professional engineer. Also requires an owner of a device to include in the initial and annual application information as specified in GS 95-285(f) including documentation of general liability insurance. Requires the owner of a device to include the certificate of operation fee with the certificate of application. Provides that a certificate of operation for a device expires annually on December 31.
Requires that a third-party, qualified inspector as set out in GS 95-287 inspect a device subject to the provisions of the Act and determine that it is in compliance with the provisions of the Act and any rules promulgated pursuant to the Act before a certificate of operation may be issued. Requires the operator of the device to post a copy of the certificate of operation in close proximity to the entry to the device where it is readily visible to participants. The Act defines an operator as any person, partnership, corporation, or other commercial entity and its agents, officers, employees, or representatives who have operational responsibility for any device subject to the provisions of the Act. Sets out qualifications for qualified inspectors.
Requires an owner of a device subject to the Act, or the owner's authorized agent, to (1) make a pre-opening inspection and test of the device, prior to admitting the public, each day the device is intended to be used and in accordance with challenge course standards; (2) train employees on the operation of the device in accordance with Part 1.3 of the ANSI/PRCA 2014 Ropes Challenge Course Installation, Operation & Training Standard, or a substantially similar standard; (3) have an emergency evacuation plan for the device in accordance with challenge course standards; and (4) maintain for at least the previous 12 months a signed record of the required pre-opening inspection and test, training provided to employees, emergency evacuation plan, and other pertinent information as the Commissioner may require by rule or regulation. Authorizes the Commissioner to refuse to issue or renew or to revoke, suspend, or amend the certificate of operation for any device regulated by the Act upon failure by the owner or the owner's authorized agent to make the required pre-opening inspection and test, to train employees, to maintain an emergency evacuation plan, or to maintain the required records.
Allows the Commissioner to immediately order in writing that the use of a device be stopped or limited if the Commissioner determines that a device subject to the Act and the operation of the device is exposing the public to an unsafe condition likely to result in serious personal injury or property damage, until such time the Commissioner determines that the device has been made safe for use by the public. Also allows the Commissioner to refuse to issue or renew or revoke, suspend, or amend a certificate of operation if the Commissioner determines that the provisions of the Act or the rules and regulations promulgated under the Act have not been complied with. Provides that any action taken by the Commissioner under this statute, GS 95-289, is final; however, GS 95-289(c) provides for an avenue of appeal.
Requires an owner or operator to immediately shut down the operation of the device and secure the safety of other participants and the general public, and ensure the scene is left intact from the time of the accident, in the event a participant or member of the general public is involved in an accident related to the operation of a device subject to the Act that results in serious injury or a fatality. Requires the owner, operator, and any employees who witnessed the accident or operated the device when the accident occurred to be available to be interviewed by the Commissioner or the Commissioner's designated representative. Requires other reporting, documentation, and action as specified in GS 95-292. Provides that the Commissioner may permanently revoke the certificate of operation if an owner violates any provisions of GS 95-292.
Requires any operator, as defined by the Act, to be at least 18 years of age. Requires an operator to be in attendance at all times the device is in operation. Bars operation of a device subject to the Act while under the influence of alcohol or any other impairing substance defined by GS 20-4.01(14a). Establishes that it is a violation of the Act to knowingly permit the operation of any device subject to the Act while the operator is under the influence of an impairing substance.
Requires an owner to obtain coverage of at least $1 million per occurrence against liability for injury to persons or property arising out of the operation or use of a device subject to the Act, and to provide proof of the required insurance before the Commissioner can issue a certificate of operation. Provides that the Commissioner cannot accept any commercial general liability insurance policy unless it obligates the insurer to give written notice to the Commissioner at least 30 days before any proposed cancellation, suspension, or renewal of the policy.
Bars any person from operating or permitting to be operated or using any device subject to the Act without a valid certificate of operations or otherwise than in accordance with the Act and the rules and regulations promulgated under the Act. Establishes that any person who violates the prohibitions of GS 95-290(a) or (b) is subject to a civil penalty not to exceed $1,250 for each rule, regulation, or section of the Act violated and for each day each device is so operated or used.
Bars any person from operating or permitting to be operated or using any device subject to the Act after the Commissioner has refused to issue or has revoked the certificate of operation for such a device. Bars any person from operating, permitting to be operated, or using any device subject to the Act if the person knows or reasonably should know that the operation or use will expose the public to an unsafe condition likely to result in personal injury or property damage. Establishes that any person who violates GS 95-290(c) (operation of a device after the Commissioner has refused to issue or revoked certificate of operation), GS 95-292 (required reporting), GS 95-293(a) (age and attendance requirements for operators), or GS 95-294 (requirement of liability insurance) is subject to a civil penalty not to exceed $2,500 for each day each device is so operated or used. Establishes that any person who violates GS 95-291 (Operation of unsafe device) or GS 95-293(b) (operation of device under the influence or knowingly permitting operation under the influence) is subject to a civil penalty not to exceed $5,000 for each day each device is so operated or used. Provides factors the Commissioner is to consider in determining the amount of any penalty ordered. Establishes that the determination of the amount of the penalty by the Commissioner is final; however, provides an avenue of appeal. Provides that the Commissioner may file in the office of the clerk of the superior court of the county wherein the person, against whom a civil penalty has been ordered, resides, or if a corporation is involved, in the county wherein the corporation maintains its principal place of business or in the county wherein the violation occurred, a certified copy of a final order of the Commissioner unappealed from, or of a final order of the Commissioner affirmed upon appeal where the clerk of court must enter judgment, notify the parties, and the judgment is to have the same effect as if it had been rendered in a suit duly heard and determined by the superior court.
Establishes that any person who willfully violates any provision of the Act is guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor, which may include a fine of no more than $10,000, except that if the conviction is for a violation committed after a first conviction of the person, the person will be be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor, which may include a fine of no more than $20,000. Establishes that any person who willfully violates any provision of the Act, and that violation causes the serious injury or death of any person, then the person is guilty of a Class E felony, which will include a fine. Provides that nothing in this statute GS 95-295, prevents any prosecuting officer of the State of North Carolina from proceeding against a person who violates the Act on a prosecution charging any degree of willful or culpable homicide.
Allows the owner or operator of a device subject to the Act to deny any person entrance to any device if he or she believes the entry may jeopardize the safety of the person desiring entry, riders, or other persons.
Directs that it is the duty of the Attorney General of North Carolina, when requested, to represent the Department of Labor in actions or proceedings in connection with the Act or the rules and regulations promulgated under the Act.
Authorizes the state, upon recommendation of the Commissioner of Labor, to enter into agreements or arrangements with appropriate federal agencies for the purpose of administering the enforcement of federal statutes, rules, and regulations governing devices subject to the provisions of the Act, consistent with the requirements and conditions provided in the Act and the rules promulgated under the Act.
Provides that all information reported to or otherwise obtained by the Commissioner or the Commissioner's agents or representatives in connection with any inspection or proceeding under the Act or the rules and regulations promulgated under the Act that contains or might reveal a trade secret is to be considered confidential, except as to carrying out the Act and the rules promulgated under the Act or when it is relevant in any proceeding under the same. Provides that in any proceeding the Commissioner or the Court must issue orders as may be appropriate to protect the confidentiality of trade secrets.
Provides that the Act is to be construed liberally to the end of that the welfare of the people may be protected. Contains a severability clause.
Effective December 1, 2017.
Intro. by Davis, Howard. | GS 95 |
Enacts new GS 143B-1023, North Carolina Blue Alert System (Alert System) established, which provides for a system to aid in the apprehension of a suspect who kills or inflicts serious bodily injury on a law enforcement officer by way of a statewide system for rapid dissemination of information. Sets out three conditions for the Alert System to be triggered: (1) a law enforcement officer is killed or suffers serious bodily harm, (2) it is determined that the suspect poses a threat to the public and other law enforcement personnel and that the law enforcement agency with jurisdiction has reliable information that can lead to the location of the individual, and (3) the head of the law enforcement agency with jurisdiction has recommended the issuance of the blue alert.
Directs the NC Center for Missing Persons (Center) to adopt guidelines and procedures for statewide implementation of the alert system. Also requires the Center to consult with the Department of Transportation (DOT) to develop procedures for the use of overhead message signs as well as the content involved in those messages. Also requires consultation with the Division of Emergency Management in regards to developing procedures for use of the alert system.
Amends GS 20-185 to authorize the State Highway patrol to appoint retired members to serve in the Highway Patrol Reserve Unit. Authorizes volunteer reserve members to be entitled to all benefits as provided for in GS Chapter 97 except for total and partial incapacity benefits.
Amends GS 14-269.1, Confiscation and disposition of deadly weapons, adding clarifying language that weapons can be used by specified agencies or be sold or traded by court order issued upon the written request of the head or chief of the law enforcement agency or designee (didn't allow for designee before).
Makes clarifying changes to GS 143B-1022 (the NC Silver Alert System), providing that the system is to be used for individuals that also suffer from Alzheimer's disease,or other disabilities that require them to be protected from potential abuse, physical harm, neglect or exploitation (previously, system was only used or triggered for those suffering from dementia or cognitive impairments). Makes conforming changes. Requires the Center to issue a Silver alert upon receiving a request (was, report) involving a missing person or child with the described condition.
Amends GS 20-54 concerning the issuance of registration or certificate of title for motor vehicles, adding a new subdivision (13) providing that the Division of Motor Vehicles cannot issue either if it has been notified by Highway Patrol that the owner of the vehicle has not paid penalties or fees arising from violations for the size, weight, construction or equipment of the vehicle. Effective October 1, 2016, applying to violations committed on or after that date.
Amends GS 143B-927 and GS 18B-500 authorizing the Director of the State Bureau of Investigation to hire reserve agents as well as reserve alcohol law-enforcement agents, with all being entitled to all the benefits under GS Chapter 97 except for total and partial incapacity benefits.
Amends the definition for the term Emergency as used in the NC Emergency Management Act, providing that the occurrence or imminent threats of widespread severe damage or injury or loss of life or property resulting from terrorism, public health, explosion related or technological failure or accident, including specified examples is now included in the definition for Emergency.
Amends GS 66-58(b) to add the Samarcand Training Academy to the list of entities that are exempt from the prohibition of competing in commerce against businesses and the public.
Amends GS 143B-911 to provide that the State Capital Chief of Police can appoint reserve police officers to assist with particular duties and that such officers are entitled to all the benefits under GS Chapter 97 except for total and partial incapacity benefits.
Directs all State agencies, on or before July 1, 2016, that are identified as principal departments in GS 143B-6 to become direct members of and use the Enterprise Active Directory. Sets out a process to request deviation from certain requirements of the Enterprise Active Directory.
Amends GS 143B-1320 to add the Department of Public Safety, the State Highway Patrol and Emergency Management, and the State Bureau of Investigation to those entities that are exempt from the provisions of GS Chapter 143B (Executive Organization Act of 1973). Makes conforming changes, adding law enforcement agencies to those entities allowed to elect to participate in the information technology programs, services, or contracts offered by the Department of Information Technology. Specifies the individuals who are responsible for making such an election for the Department of Public Safety and the State Bureau of Investigation.
Appropriates $8,675,924 in nonrecurring funds for 2016-17 from the General Fund to the State Bureau of Investigation to provide aircraft replacement and essential modern law enforcement equipment. Effective July 1, 2016.
The Daily Bulletin: 2016-05-04
House Amendment makes the following changes to the 2nd edition. Deletes the amendments to GS 105-153.5(c2)(1) and reinstates the existing language. Instead, adds that, for the taxable years of 2015 and 2016, a taxpayer must add to their adjusted gross income the amount excluded from the taxpayer's gross income for the discharge of qualified principal residence indebtedness under section 108 of the Code unless the discharge of qualified principal indebtedness is for either of the following: (a) residential property with contamination that resulted from the discharge of petroleum from an underground storage tank used to store fuel for noncommercial purposes, and for which no funds have been received from the Noncommercial Leaking Petroleum Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Fund as reimbursement of costs expended in association with cleanup of the contamination on the property, or (b) residential property with contamination that resulted from the migration of contaminants from another property under separate ownership, if the property owner did not cause or contribute to the contamination present on their property.
Intro. by Rucho, Rabon, Tillman. | GS 105 |
Amends GS 136-82, concerning the management of the ferry system in North Carolina, repealing the Board of Transportation’s (BOT) authority to establish and revise tolls on ferry routes as specified.
Further eliminates all ferry tolls as of the effective date of this act, requiring the BOT to expeditiously repeal regulations concerning the collection of ferry tolls, and refund other collected payments or tolls as specified. Makes conforming changes.
Amends GS 7A-312(a), making conforming changes concerning the exemption for summoned jurors to pay ferry tolls for that service, reflecting the elimination of ferry tolls.
Repeals GS 136-189.11(b)(8), making conforming deletions concerning ferry tolls being excluded from the Transportation Investment Strategy Formula.
Appropriates, beginning in the 2016-17 fiscal year, $23.095 million in recurring funds from the Highway Fund to the Ferry Division of the Department of Transportation for the replacement of ferry vessels. Effective July 1, 2016.
As the title indicates, disapproves 15A NCAC Subchapter 2L .0106, as adopted by the Environmental Management Commission on February 16, 2016, and approved by the Rules Review Commission on March 17, 2016.
Intro. by Woodard, Foushee. | UNCODIFIED |
Identical to H 1041, filed 5/4/16.
Amends GS 143B-1302(a), to provide that the State Chief Information Officer (State CIO) is the head of the Department of Information Technology (Department), a member of the Governor’s cabinet, and may also be referred to as the Secretary of the Department of Information Technology (was, State CIO is the head of the Department and a member of the Governor’s cabinet).
Intro. by Tarte, Hise. | GS 143B |
Provides that the Board of Directors of the Longleaf School of the Arts can elect to become a participating employing unit in the State Health Plan for Teachers and State Employees pursuant to GS Chapter 135, Article 3B. Provides that the election, if any, to participate in the plan must be made no later than 30 days after the effective date of this act and that while the time limitation of GS 135-48.54 does not apply to the election, the election must comply with all other requirements of GS 135-48.54.
Intro. by Blue. | UNCODIFIED |
Establishes a monthly teacher salary schedule based on years of experience for licensed personnel of public schools who are classified as teachers for the 2016-17 fiscal year. Provides that the monthly salary schedule begins at 0-4 years of experience and goes up to over 25 years of experience, with class "A" teachers' monthly salary schedule ranging from $3,588 up to $5,125.
Establishes that salary supplements for teachers paid on this schedule, as specified, are available to the following classifications: licensed teachers who have NBPTS certification, licensed teachers who are classified as "M" teachers, licensed teachers with licensure based on academic preparation at the six-year degree level, licensed teachers with licensure based on academic preparation at the doctoral degree level, and certified nurses.
Provides that the first step of the salary schedule for school psychologists, school speech pathologists who are licensed as speech pathologists at the master's degree level or higher, and school audiologists who are licensed as audiologists at the master's degree level or higher, are equivalent to Step 5 of the "A" salary schedule and are to receive a salary supplement each month of 10% of their monthly salary and are eligible to receive salary supplements equivalent to those of teachers for academic preparation at the six-year degree level or the doctoral degree level.
Provides that the twenty-sixth step of the salary schedule for school psychologists, school speech pathologists who are licensed as speech pathologists at the master's degree level or higher, and school audiologists who are licensed as audiologists at the master's degree level or higher is 7.5% higher than the salary received by these same employees on the twenty-fifth step of the salary schedule.
Directs that instead of providing annual longevity payments to teachers paid on the teacher salary schedule, the amounts of those longevity payments are included in the monthly amounts under the teacher salary schedule, beginning with the 2014-15 fiscal year.
Provides that a teacher compensated in accordance with the salary schedule for the 2016-17 school year will receive an amount equal to the greater of the following: (1) the applicable amount on the salary schedule; (2) for teachers who were eligible for longevity for the 2013-14 school year, the sum of the teacher's salary provided in Section 35.11 of SL 2013-360; the longevity that the teacher would have received under the longevity system in effect for the 2013-14 school year provided in Section 35.11 of SL 2013-360, based on the teacher's current years of service; and the annual bonus provided in Section 9.1(e) of SL 2014-100; or (3) for teachers who were not eligible for longevity for the 2013-14 school year, the sum of the teacher's salary and annual bonus provided in Section 9.1 of SL 2014-100.
Establishes that the term "teacher" is to include instructional support personnel.
Appropriates $129,705,074 in recurring funds for the 2016-17 fiscal year from the General Fund to the Department of Public Instruction to implement the provisions for teachers and instructional support personnel employed by schools administered by local administrative units, charter schools, and schools operated by state agencies. Provides that it is the intent of the General Assembly to appropriate an additional $129,705,074 in recurring funds for the 2017-18 fiscal year, an additional $129,705,074 in recurring funds for the 2018-19 fiscal year, and an additional $129,705,074 in recurring funds for the 2019-20 fiscal year to provide balanced salary increases for teachers and instructional support personnel employed by schools administered by local administrative units, charter schools, and schools operated by state agencies over the next four years.
Effective July 1, 2016.
Intro. by Waddell, Blue, Lowe. | APPROP, UNCODIFIED |
The Daily Bulletin: 2016-05-04
Current SL 2007-63, Section 1(a), authorizes the Board of Commissioners of Sampson County (Board) to levy a room occupancy tax of up to 3% of the gross receipts derived from the rental of any room, lodging, or accommodation furnished by a hotel, motel, inn, tourist camp, or similar place within the county that is subject to sales tax imposed by the state under GS 105-164.4(a)(3), excluding accommodations furnished by nonprofit, charitable, educational, or religious organizations when furnished in furtherance of their nonprofit purpose.
Amends SL 2007-63, Section 1, by adding a new subsection (a1) to authorize the County to levy an additional room occupancy tax of up to 3% of the gross receipts derived from the rental of accommodations taxable under subsection (a) of Section 1. Provides that the County cannot levy a tax under new subsection (a1) unless it also levies the tax authorized under subsection (a). Provides that a tax levied under Section 1 is to be levied, administered, collected, and repealed as provided in GS 153A-155, concerning uniform provisions for room occupancy taxes in counties, and that penalties provided in GS 153A-155 also apply to a tax levied under Section 1.
Amends SL 2007-63, Section 2, by making conforming changes to clarify that when the Board of Commissioners adopts a resolution levying a room occupancy tax under subsection (a) of Section 1 of this act, it must also adopt a resolution creating the Sampson County Tourism Development Authority, which is to be a public authority under the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act.
Intro. by L. Bell, Brisson. | Sampson |
As title indicates, revises the City of New Bern's charter and consolidates certain local acts related to city property, affairs, and government. Makes conforming repeals of specified session laws. Specifies that the Mayor and Board of Aldermen serving on the date of ratification of this act will serve until the expiration of their terms or until their successors are elected and qualified. Thereafter, those offices are to be filled as provided in Articles II and III of the Charter, as enacted in of this act. Also specifies that the members of the Police Civil Service Board serving on the date of ratification of this act will continue to serve until their terms expire in order for the terms to be staggered. Provides that the act does not affect any rights or interests that arose under any provisions repealed by this act. Continues in effect all existing ordinances, resolutions, and other provisions of the City that are not inconsistent with the provisions of this act, until they are repealed or amended. Provides that no action or proceeding pending on the effective date of this act by or against the City or any of its departments or agencies is abated or otherwise affected by this act.
Intro. by Speciale. | Craven |
The Daily Bulletin: 2016-05-04
Actions on Bills: 2016-05-04
Actions on Bills: 2016-05-04
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