Bill Summary for S 126 (2021-2022)
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Bill summary
House committee substitute to the 1st edition adds the following content.
Makes a conforming repeal of GS 120-123(4), which bars legislators from serving on the NC Agency for Public Telecommunications, to reflect the Agency's repeal by Section 2 of the act (GS Chapter 143B, Article 9, Part 22).
Amends GS 116-233 to allow for a designee of the three chief academic officers of constituent institutions and the chief academic officer of a college or university in the State other than a constituent institution to serve as ex officio members of the Board of Trustees of the NC School of Science and Math (currently limited to the chief academic officers). Also adds that the office of these four members cannot be declared vacant if the member or the designee has complied with the attendance requirements of subsection (f), which requires an office to be deemed vacant upon a member failing to be present at three successive regular meetings.
Amends GS 143B-1393, adding to the powers and duties of the Criminal Justice Information Network (CJIN) Governing Board, to require the Board to (1) exercise administrative control over the transportation and subsistence budget established by the Board and legislatively appropriated, and (2) establish qualifications, classification, and salary levels for its employees and determine appropriate methods for screening for candidates, interviewing, hiring, and day-to-day management of Board employees.
Amends GS 143B-1394 to require the Department of Information Technology to provide technical assistance to the CJIN Governing Board upon request.
Amends GS 143B-1322 to no longer require the State Chief Information Officer to supervise and support the operations of the CJIN.
Amends GS 120-74, providing for a majority of members of the Joint Legislative Commission on Governmental Operations (Commission) to constitute a quorum of the Commission. Amends GS 120-75 to authorize Commission cochairs to designate subcommittees to conduct hearings, call witnesses, and inquire into any matters properly before the Commission. Provides for the appointment of subcommittee members and cochairs (including allowing for the appointment of legislators to the subcommittee who do not serve on the Commission), subcommittee meetings, subcommittee powers and staffing, as well as subcommittee member expenses. Allows for cochairs to dissolve a subscommittee at any time. Makes language gender neutral.
Repeals GS 131D-10.9A, which creates the Permanency Innovation Initiative Oversight Committee.
Amends GS 143B-472.81, providing further parameters for the appointment of the 23-member NC Board of Science, Technology, and Innovation. Explicitly creates staggered four-year terms for eight members representing specified institutions of higher education and K-12 public education, with terms beginning July 1, 2021, or July 1, 2023, as specified. Makes clarifying changes regarding the terms of the six members from private industry and the seven at-large members appointed by the Governor. No longer references terms for members from public agencies, now obsolete after their elimination from membership in SL 2014-18, Section 2.1. Provides for the expiration of terms of members currently serving as of the date the section becomes law to conform to the staggered-terms enacted, with terms expiring June 30, 2021, and June 30, 2023, as specified.
Amends GS 90-625 to clarify that a member of the NC Board of Massage and Bodywork Therapy cannot be appointed to serve more than two consecutive full terms (was, two consecutive terms).
Amends GS 143B-438.10, increasing the membership of the NCWorks Commission from 33 to 37 members, adding the following officials or their designees: State official primarily responsible for Adult Education and Family Literacy (Title II of PL 113-128, as amended), and the State official primarily responsible for Vocational Rehabilitation or Services (Title IV of PL 113-128, as amended). Also adds two additional members representing business and industry in the State appointed by the Governor for initial terms ending on October 31, 2021 (increasing members representing these areas from 17 to 19 members).
Repeals GS Chapter 106, Article 47, which creates and governs the State Marketing Authority. Makes conforming repeals of GS 105-278.1(c)(2)a.
Changes the act's long title.