All Bills

14649 bills match selection

Bill # Bill Short Title Filing Date Type Last Action L.A. Date View Track
S13 42ND SENATORIAL DISTRICT LOCAL ACT-1. Jan 31 2019 Local Ref To Com On Rules and Operations of the Senate (Senate action) Feb 4 2019 Summ.
S13 SANFORD OCCUPANCY TAX. Jan 25 2017 Local Re-ref to Finance. If fav, re-ref to Rules and Operations of the Senate (Senate Action) Feb 2 2017 Summ.
S13 43RD SENATORIAL DISTRICT LOCAL ACT-1. Jan 25 2023 Local Ref To Com On Rules and Operations of the Senate (Senate action) Jan 26 2023 Summ.
H13 AMEND SCHOOL HEALTH ASSESSMENT REQUIREMENT. Jan 28 2015 Public Ch. SL 2015-222 (House Action) Aug 18 2015 Summ.
H13 SCHOOL CALENDAR FLEXIBILITY/CERTAIN SYSTEMS. Jan 30 2019 Local Ref to the Com on Education - K-12, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House (House action) Jan 31 2019 Summ.
H13 STATE SEARCH AND RESCUE FUNDING. Jan 27 2021 Public Ref to the Com on Appropriations, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House (House action) Jan 28 2021 Summ.
S13 11TH SENATORIAL DISTRICT LOCAL ACT-1. Jan 27 2021 Local Ref To Com On Rules and Operations of the Senate (Senate action) Jan 28 2021 Summ.
H13 REEVALUATE COUNTY TIER SYSTEM. Jan 25 2023 Public Ref to the Com on Commerce, if favorable, Local Government, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House (House action) Jan 26 2023 Summ.
S13 CONFIRM BOARD OF REVIEW/DORAN. Jan 29 2015 Public Re-ref Com On Select Committee on Nominations (Senate Action) Feb 23 2015 Summ.
S13 BALANCED BUDGET ACT OF 2011. Jan 31 2011 Public Read (House Action) Mar 9 2011 Summ.
H13 CLASS SIZE REQUIREMENT CHANGES. Jan 25 2017 Public Ch. SL 2017-9 (House Action) Apr 27 2017 Summ.
H12 INCREASE RETIREMENT AGE FOR JUDGES. Jan 30 2013 Public Ref to the Com on Judiciary Subcommittee A , if favorable, Elections (House Action) Jan 31 2013 Summ.
H12 ADDRESS PANDEMIC LEARNING LOSS/COUNTIES. (NEW) Jan 27 2021 Local Ref To Com On Rules and Operations of the Senate (Senate action) Apr 28 2021 Summ.
S12 TEXFI CLEANUP FUNDS Jan 31 2011 Public Ref To Com On Appropriations/Base Budget (Senate Action) Feb 1 2011 Summ.
S12 APPOINT SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. Jan 30 2013 Public Ref To Com On Rules and Operations of the Senate (Senate Action) Jan 31 2013 Summ.
H12 SCHOOL CALENDAR FLEX/CC. Dec 14 2016 Public Re-ref Com On Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House (House Action) Dec 15 2016 Summ.
S12 FILL CERTAIN VACANCIES/ALEXANDER & BURKE CO. (NEW) Jan 31 2019 Local Ch. SL 2019-5 Mar 19 2019 Summ.
S12 VETERANS MEMORIAL/FUNDS. Jan 25 2017 Public Re-ref to Appropriations/Base Budget. If fav, re-ref to Rules and Operations of the Senate (Senate Action) Feb 2 2017 Summ.
S12 CODIFY ROE AND CASEY PROTECTIONS. Jan 25 2023 Public Ref To Com On Rules and Operations of the Senate (Senate action) Jan 26 2023 Summ.
S12 MILITARY RETIREE STATE INCOME TAX RELIEF. Jan 27 2021 Public Ref To Com On Rules and Operations of the Senate (Senate action) Jan 28 2021 Summ.
H12 AMEND GASTON FOSTER CARE OMBUDSMAN PROG. Jan 28 2015 Local Ref To Com On Rules and Operations of the Senate (Senate Action) Mar 30 2015 Summ.
H12 SCHOOL CALENDAR FLEXIBILITY/ALAMANCE COUNTY. Jan 30 2019 Local Ref to the Com on Education - K-12, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House (House action) Jan 31 2019 Summ.
H12 STANLY CTY AIRPORT AUTHORITY/MEMBERS &AMP LEASES. Jan 25 2023 Local Ref to the Com on Local Government, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House (House action) Jan 26 2023 Summ.
S12 CONFIRM BOARD OF REVIEW/CAMPBELL. Jan 29 2015 Public Re-ref Com On Select Committee on Nominations (Senate Action) Feb 23 2015 Summ.
H12 STOP METHAMPHETAMINE LABS (NEW). Jan 27 2011 Public Ch. SL 2011-240 (House Action) Jun 23 2011 Summ.
H12 COMMUNITY COLLEGE BOARDS OF TRUSTEES (NEW). Jan 25 2017 Local Ch. SL 2018-15 (House Action) Jun 21 2018 Summ.
H11 HANDICAP PARKING PRIVILEGE CERTIFICATION. Jan 25 2017 Public Ref To Com On Rules and Operations of the Senate (Senate Action) Mar 16 2017 Summ.
S11 NC MILITARY BUSINESS CENTER FUNDS. Jan 31 2011 Public Ref To Com On Appropriations/Base Budget (Senate Action) Feb 1 2011 Summ.
H11 REGULATE ALCOHOL CONSUMABLES. Jan 27 2021 Public Re-ref to Commerce and Insurance. If fav, re-ref to Rules and Operations of the Senate (Senate action) May 27 2021 Summ.
S11 REGULATE PESTICIDE APPLICATION IN RESTAURANTS. Jan 25 2017 Public Ref To Com On Rules and Operations of the Senate (Senate Action) Jan 26 2017 Summ.
H11 SPECIAL ELECTION DATES. Jan 30 2013 Public Ref To Com On Rules and Operations of the Senate (Senate Action) Apr 4 2013 Summ.
H11 DOT/MORATORIUM ON REDUCTIONS. Dec 14 2016 Public Ref to the Com on Transportation, if favorable, Appropriations (House Action) Dec 14 2016 Summ.
S11 ABC REGULATION AND REFORM. Jan 31 2019 Public Ch. SL 2019-49 Jun 26 2019 Summ.
H11 AMEND 2019 HOUSE TEMPORARY RULES. Jan 30 2019 Public Adopted (House action) Jan 30 2019 Summ.
S11 ESTABLISH ORGAN DONATION MONTH. Jan 30 2013 Public Ch. SL 2013-22 (Senate Action) Apr 9 2013 Summ.
S11 10TH SENATORIAL DISTRICT LOCAL ACT-1. Jan 25 2023 Local Ref To Com On Rules and Operations of the Senate (Senate action) Jan 26 2023 Summ.
S11 42ND SENATORIAL DISTRICT LOCAL ACT-1. Jan 27 2021 Local Ref To Com On Rules and Operations of the Senate (Senate action) Jan 28 2021 Summ.
H11 MT. GILEAD CHARTER REVISION & CONSOLIDATION. Jan 28 2015 Local Ref To Com On Local Government (House Action) Jan 29 2015 Summ.
H11 SCHOOLS FOR THE DEAF AND BLIND. Jan 25 2023 Public Ch. SL 2023-10 Apr 3 2023 Summ.
H11 NO POSTSECONDARY EDUCATION/ILLEGAL ALIENS. Jan 27 2011 Public Ref to the Com on Education, if favorable, Appropriations (House Action) Jan 31 2011 Summ.
S11 CONFIRM BOARD OF REVIEW/HOLLIDAY. Jan 29 2015 Public Re-ref Com On Select Committee on Nominations (Senate Action) Feb 23 2015 Summ.
H10 CLARIFY FUNDING ELIGIBILITY/CHARTER SCHOOLS. Dec 14 2016 Public Special Message Sent To Senate (House Action) Dec 16 2016 Summ.
H10 ASHEVILLE AIRPORT AUTH./AUTHORIZE GOLF COURSE. Jan 27 2021 Local Ref To Com On Rules and Operations of the Senate (Senate action) Apr 15 2021 Summ.
S10 CHILDREN'S ADVOCACY CENTER FUNDS. Jan 31 2011 Public Ref To Com On Appropriations/Base Budget (Senate Action) Feb 1 2011 Summ.
S10 GOVERNMENT REORGANIZATION AND EFFICIENCY ACT (NEW). Jan 30 2013 Public Conferees Added (House Action) Jul 24 2013 Summ.
S10 REVISED SENATE PERMANENT RULES. Jan 31 2019 Public Adopted (Senate action) Feb 4 2019 Summ.
S10 18TH SENATORIAL DISTRICT LOCAL ACT-1. Jan 25 2017 Local Ref To Com On Rules and Operations of the Senate (Senate Action) Jan 26 2017 Summ.
H10 DHHS EATING DISORDER STUDY (NEW). Jan 25 2017 Public Ref To Com On Rules and Operations of the Senate (Senate Action) Apr 21 2017 Summ.
S10 ADD MEMBER TO NC TRAINING STANDARDS COMMISS. Jan 27 2021 Public Ref To Com On Rules and Operations of the Senate (Senate action) Jan 28 2021 Summ.
H10 REPEAL 2015 LAW RELATING TO MONUMENTS. Jan 30 2019 Public Re-ref Com On Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House (House action) May 21 2019 Summ.
