Authorizes the Sanford City Council to levy a room occupancy tax of up to 3%. Provides that the tax must be levied, administered, collected, and repealed as provided in GS 160A-215 (uniform provisions for room occupancy taxes). Requires the Sanford Tourism Development Authority (TDA) to use at least two‑thirds of the occupancy tax proceeds to promote travel and tourism in the city and the remainder for the operation, maintenance, promotion, and renovation of the Dennis A. Wicker Civic Center. Provides for the appointment, membership, and duties of the TDA. Mandates that at least one‑third of the members of the TDA must be affiliated with businesses that collect the tax in the city and at least one‑half must be currently active in the city’s travel and tourism promotion. Requires the TDA to make reports quarterly and at the close of the fiscal year to the Sanford City Council on its receipts and expenditures for the preceding quarter and for the year. Makes conforming changes.
Makes conforming changes to GS 160A-215(g).
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Bill S 13 (2017-2018)Summary date: Jan 25 2017 - View Summary