House committee substitute makes the following changes to 4th edition.
House Finance Committee amendment #1 amends GS 105-130.47(k) and GS 105-151(k) to extend the sunset date on the production company tax credit to January 1, 2015 (was, January 1, 2014) for qualifying expenses incurred on or before that date.
House Finance Committee #2 amends GS 51-1 to authorize a superior court judge to officiate at a marriage ceremony. Effective July 26, 2012, and expires July 30, 2012.
Amendment #3 further amends the definition of “day of adjournment” of a regular session in an odd number year, in GS 150B-21.3, as the day the General Assembly adjourns by resolution or by operation of law (was, by resolution) for more than 30 days.
Amendment #4 provides that if House Bill 177 becomes law, then Part II (establishing the criteria for the operation of electric vehicle charging stations located at state-owned rest stops along the highways) and the sections that make up that Part are repealed. Provides that the Department of Transportation (DOT) may only operate electric vehicle charging stations at state-owned rest stops along highways for the purpose of providing electric charging to state owned vehicles; expires July 1, 2014. Requires the Joint Legislative Transportation Oversight Committee to study the DOT’s use and operation of electric vehicle charging stations at state owned rest stops along highways and report to the 2014 Regular Session of the General Assembly.
Amendment #5 corrects a statutory reference in House Bill 494.
Amendment #6 changes references to a county sheriff’s department to a county sheriff’s office in appointments made to the Human Trafficking Commission in the Modify 2011 Appropriations Act.
Amendment #7 amends GS 143-59 to require for any contract for equipment, materials, supplies and services, in which lowest price meeting specifications is the basis of award, the resident bidder with the lowest bid must be given a maximum of three business days to match or lower the bid of the lowest responsible non-resident bidder only if the resident bidder’s bid was within 5% or $10,000 of the lowest responsible non-resident bidder’s bid, whichever is less.
Amendment #8 amends Senate Bill 229, if it becomes law, to provide that funds received by the State according to the Consent Decree entered into in State of Alabama et al. v. Tennessee Valley Authority and allocated to the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services by the Committee Report to House Bill 950 are to be used exclusively to award grants for environmental mitigation projects of the specified types in the specified counties.