Amends GS 120-2 to establish boundaries for 120 districts for the purpose of nominating and electing members of the House of Representatives, effective when the act becomes law.
The districts are composed of the following counties. District 1: Chowan County, Currituck County, Dare County (portions listed), Perquimans County, Tyrrell County, and Washington County. District 2: Durham County (portions listed) and Person County. District 3: Craven County (portions listed). District 4: Duplin County and Wayne County (portions listed). District 5: Camden County, Gates County, Hertford County, and Pasquotank County. District 6: Harnett County (portions listed). District 7: Franklin County and Vance County (portions listed). District 8: Pitt County (portions listed). District 9: Pitt County (portions listed). District 10: Wayne County (portions listed). District 11: Wake County (portions listed). District 12: Greene County, Jones County, and Lenoir County. District 13: Carteret County and Craven County (portions listed). District 14: Onslow County (portions listed) and Pender County. District 15: Onslow County (portions listed). District 16: Onslow County (portions listed). District 17: Brunswick County (portions listed). District 18: New Hanover County (portions listed). District 19: Brunswick County (portions listed) and New Hanover County (portions listed). District 20: New Hanover County (portions listed). District 21: Wake County (portions listed). District 22: Bladen County and Sampson County. District 23: Bertie County, Edgecombe County, and Martin County. District 24: Nash County (portions listed) and Wilson County. District 25: Nash County (portions listed). District 26: Johnson County (portions listed). District 27: Halifax County, Northampton County, and Warren County. District 28: Johnston County (portions listed). District 29: Durham County (portions listed). District 30: Durham County (portions listed). District 31: Durham County (portions listed). District 32: Granville County and Vance County (portions listed). District 33: Wake County (portions listed). District 34: Wake County (portions listed). District 35: Wake County (portions listed). District 36: Wake County (portions listed). District 37: Wake County (portions listed). District 38: Wake County (portions listed). District 39: Wake County (portions listed). District 40: Wake County (portions listed). District 41: Wake County (portions listed). District 42: Cumberland County (portions listed). District 43: Cumberland County (portions listed). District 44: Cumberland County (portions listed). District 45: Cumberland County (portions listed). District 46: Columbus County and Robeson County (portions listed). District 47: Robeson County (portions listed). District 48: Hoke County and Scotland County. District 49: Wake County (portions listed). District 50: Caswell County and Orange County (portions listed). District 51: Lee County and Moore County (portions listed). District 52: Moore County (portions listed) and Richmond County. District 53: Harnett County (portions listed) and Johnston County (portions listed). District 54: Chatham County and Randolph County (portions listed). District 55: Anson County and Union County (portions listed). District 56: Orange County (portions listed). District 57: Guilford County (portions listed). District 58: Guilford County (portions listed). District 59: Guilford County (portions listed). District 60: Guilford County (portions listed). District 61: Guilford County (portions listed). District 62: Alamance County (portions listed). District 63: Alamance County (portions listed). District 64: Alamance County (portions listed). District 65: Rockingham County. District 66: Wake County (portions listed). District 67: Montgomery County and Stanly County. District 68: Union County (portions listed). District 69: Union County (portions listed). District 70: Randolph County (portions listed). District 71: Forsyth County (portions listed). District 72: Forsyth County (portions listed). District 73: Cabarrus County (portions listed). District 74: Forsyth County (portions listed). District 75: Forsyth County (portions listed). District 76: Rowan County (portions listed). District 77: Davie County, Rowan County (portions listed), and Yadkin County. District 78: Moore County (portions listed), Randolph County (portions listed). District 79: Beaufort County, Dare County (portions listed), Hyde County, and Pamlico County. District 80: Davidson County (portions listed). District 81: Davidson County (portions listed). District 82: Cabarrus County (portions listed). District 83: Cabarrus County (portions listed) and Rowan County (portions listed). District 84: Iredell County (portions listed). District 85: Avery County, McDowell County (portions listed), Mitchell County, and Yancey County. District 86: Burke County. District 87: Caldwell County and Watauga County (portions listed). District 88: Mecklenburg County (portions listed). District 89: Catawba County (portions listed) and Iredell County (portions listed). District 90: Surry County and Wilkes County (portions listed). District 91: Forsyth County (portions listed) and Stokes County. District 92: Mecklenburg County (portions listed). District 93: Alleghany County, Ashe County, and Watauga County (portions listed). District 94: Alexander County and Wilkes County (portions listed). District 95: Iredell County (portions listed). District 96: Catawba County (portions listed). District 97: Lincoln County. District 98: Mecklenburg County (portions listed). District 99: Mecklenburg County (portions listed). District 100: Mecklenburg County (portions listed). District 101: Mecklenburg County (portions listed). District 102: Mecklenburg County (portions listed). District 103: Mecklenburg County (portions listed). District 104: Mecklenburg County (portions listed). District 105: Mecklenburg County (portions listed). District 106: Mecklenburg County (portions listed). District 107: Mecklenburg County (portions listed). District 108: Gaston County (portions listed). District 109: Gaston County (portions listed). District 110: Cleveland County (portions listed). District 111: Cleveland County (portions listed) and Rutherford County (portions listed). District 112: Mecklenburg County (portions listed). District 113: Henderson County (portions listed), McDowell County (portions listed), Polk County, and Rutherford County (portions listed). District 114: Buncombe County (portions listed). District 115: Buncombe County (portions listed). District 116: Buncombe County (portions listed). District 117: Henderson County (portions listed). District 118: Haywood County and Madison County. District 119: Jackson County, Swain County, Transylvania County. District 120: Cherokee County, Clay County, Graham County, and Macon County.
The Daily Bulletin: 2023-10-18
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The Daily Bulletin: 2023-10-18
Intro. by D. Hall, Stevens, Saine. | GS 120 |
The Daily Bulletin: 2023-10-18
Amends GS 163-201 to divide North Carolina into 14 congressional districts for nominating and electing members of the U.S. House of Representatives. Districts contain the following counties. District 1: Bertie County, Durham County, Edgecombe County, Granville County, Halifax County, Hertford County, Northampton County, Orange County (portions listed), Pitt County (portions listed), Vance County, and Warren County. District 2: Wake County (portions listed). District 3: Beaufort County, Camden County, Chowan County, Currituck County, Dare County, Franklin County, Gates County, Greene County, Hyde County, Lenoir County, Martin County, Nash County, Pasquotank County, Perquimans County, Pitt County (portions listed), Tyrrell County, Washington County, Wayne County (portions listed), and Wilson County. District 4: Alamance County, Caswell County, Chatham County (portions listed), Orange County (portions listed), Person County, Randolph County, Rockingham County, Stokes County, and Wake County (portions listed). District 5: Alexander County, Alleghany County, Ashe County, Caldwell County, Forsyth County (portions listed), Guilford County (portions listed), Surry County, Watauga County, Wilkes County, and Yadkin County. District 6: Cabarrus County (portions listed), Davidson County, Guilford County (portions listed), and Rowan County. District 7: Bladen County, Brunswick County, Cumberland County (portions listed), New Hanover County, Onslow County, and Pender County. District 8: Chatham County (portions listed), Cumberland County (portions listed), Harnett County, Hoke County (portions listed), Lee County, Montgomery County, Moore County, Sampson County, and Stanly County. District 9: Anson County, Cabarrus County (portions listed), Columbus County, Hoke County (portions listed), Richmond County, Robeson County, Scotland County, and Union County. District 10: Catawba County, Davie County, Forsyth County (portions listed), Iredell County, and Lincoln County. District 11: Avery County, Buncombe County (portions listed), Cherokee County, Clay County, Graham County, Haywood County, Henderson County, Jackson County, Macon County, Madison County, McDowell County, Mitchell County, Polk County, Swain County, Transylvania County, and Yancey County. District 12: Mecklenburg County (portions listed). District 13: Carteret County, Craven County, Duplin County, Johnston County, Jones County, Pamlico County, Wake County (portions listed), and Wayne County (portions listed). District 14: Buncombe County (portions listed), Burke County, Cleveland County, Gaston County, Mecklenburg County (portions listed), and Rutherford County.
Intro. by Hise, Daniel, P. Newton. | GS 163 |
Amends GS 163-201 to divide North Carolina into 14 congressional districts for nominating and electing members of the U.S. House of Representatives. Districts contain the following counties. District 1: Bertie County, Camden County, Chowan County, Currituck County, Edgecombe County, Gates County, Granville County (portions listed), Greene County, Halifax County, Hertford County, Lenoir County, Martin County, Nash County, Northampton County, Pasquotank County, Perquimans County, Tyrrell County, Vance County, Warren County, Washington County, Wayne County, and Wilson County. District 2: Wake County (portions listed). District 3: Beaufort County, Carteret County, Craven County, Cumberland County (portions listed), Dare County, Duplin County, Hyde County, Jones County, Pamlico County, Pitt County, Sampson County. District 4: Chatham County (portions listed), Durham County, Orange County, and Wake County (portions listed). District 5: Alexander County, Alleghany County, Ashe County, Caldwell County, Guilford County (portions listed), Rockingham County, Stokes County, Surry County, Watauga County, and Wilkes County. District 6: Cabarrus County (portions listed), Davidson County, Davie County, Forsyth County (portions listed), Guilford County (portions listed), and Rowan County. District 7: Bladen County, Brunswick County, Columbus County, New Hanover County, Onslow County, Pender County, and Robeson County (portions listed). District 8: Anson County, Cabarrus County (portions listed), Mecklenburg County (portions listed), Montgomery County, Richmond County, Robeson County (portions listed) Scotland County, Stanly County, and Union County. District 9: Alamance County, Chatham County (portions listed), Cumberland County (portions listed), Guilford County (portions listed), Hoke County, Moore County, and Randolph County. District 10: Catawba County, Forsyth County (portions listed), Iredell County, Lincoln County, and Yadkin County. District 11: Avery County, Buncombe County, Cherokee County, Clay County, Graham County, Haywood County, Henderson County, Jackson County, Macon County, Madison County, McDowell County, Mitchell County, Polk County (portions listed), Swain County, Transylvania County, and Yancey County. District 12: Mecklenburg County (portions listed). District 13: Caswell County, Franklin County, Granville County (portions listed), Harnett County, Johnston County, Lee County, Person County, and Wake County (portions listed). District 14: Burke County, Cleveland County, Gaston County, Mecklenburg County (portions listed), and Rutherford County.
Intro. by Hise, Daniel, P. Newton. | GS 163 |
Amends GS 120-1 to establish boundaries for 50 districts for the purpose of nominating and electing members of the North Carolina Senate, effective when the act becomes law.
The districts are composed of the following counties. District 1: Bertie County, Camden County, Currituck County, Dare County, Gates County, Hertford County, Northampton County, Pasquotank County, Perquimans County, and Tyrrell County. District 2: Carteret County, Chowan County, Halifax County, Hyde County, Martin County, Pamlico County, Warren County, and Washington County. District 3: Beaufort County, Craven County, and Lenoir County. District 4: Greene County, Wayne County, and Wilson County. District 5: Edgecombe County and Pitt County. District 6: Onslow County. District 7: New Hanover County (portions listed). District 8: Brunswick County, Columbus County, and New Hanover County (portions listed). District 9: Bladen County, Duplin County, Jones County, Pender County, and Sampson County (portions listed). District 10: Johnston County. District 11: Franklin County, Nash County, and Vance County. District 12: Harnett County, Lee County, and Sampson County (portion listed). District 13: Wake County (portions listed). District 14: Wake County (portions listed). District 15: Wake County (portions listed). District 16: Wake County (portions listed). District 17: Wake County (portions listed). District 18: Granville County and Wake County (portions listed). District 19: Cumberland County (portions listed). District 20: Chatham County and Durham County (portions listed). District 21: Cumberland County (portions listed) and Moore County. District 22: Durham County (portions listed). District 23: Caswell County, Orange County, and Person County. District 24: Hoke County, Robeson County, and Scotland County. District 25: Alamance County and Randolph County (portions listed). District 26: Guilford County (portions listed) and Rockingham County. District 27: Guilford County (portions listed). District 28: Guilford County (portions listed). District 29: Anson County, Montgomery County, Randolph County (portions listed), Richmond County, and Union County (portions listed). District 30: Davidson County and Davie County. District 31: Forsyth County (portions listed) and Stokes County. District 32: Forsyth County (portions listed). District 33: Rowan County and Stanly County. District 34: Cabarrus County (portions listed). District 35: Cabarrus County (portions listed) and Union County (portions listed). District 36: Alexander County, Surry County, Wilkes County, and Yadkin County. District 37: Iredell County and Mecklenburg County (portions listed). District 38: Mecklenburg County (portions listed). District 39: Mecklenburg County (portions listed). District 40: Mecklenburg County (portions listed). District 41: Mecklenburg County (portions listed). District 42: Mecklenburg County (portions listed). District 43: Gaston County (portions listed). District 44: Cleveland County, Gaston County (portions listed), and Lincoln County. District 45: Caldwell County (portions listed) and Catawba County. District 46: Buncombe County (portions listed), Burke County, and McDowell County. District 47: Alleghany County, Ashe County, Avery County, Caldwell County (portions listed), Haywood County (portions listed), Madison County, Mitchell County, Watauga County, and Yancey County. District 48: Henderson County, Polk County, and Rutherford County. District 49: Buncombe County (portions listed). District 50: Cherokee County, Clay County, Graham County, Haywood County (portions listed), Jackson County, Macon County, Swain County, and Transylvania County.
Intro. by Hise, Daniel, P. Newton. | GS 120 |
The Daily Bulletin: 2023-10-18
The Daily Bulletin: 2023-10-18
Currently, the five-member Watauga County Board of Commissioners (Board) are each nominated from a separate district but are elected to the Board in a countywide election on a partisan basis for two and four-year staggered terms. Every two years, three of the five commissioner seats come up for election, with the lowest vote getter serving a two-year term, and the remaining two Commissioners serving four-year terms.
Changes the commissioners’ term lengths so that every commissioner serves a staggered four-year term. Commissioners must now reside in one of the five single-member districts described in the act and are now elected only by the voters residing in that district. Sets out the five districts. Provides for the following election schedule to implement staggered four-year terms: (1) in 2024 and every four years after, the members from Districts 3,4, and 5 must each serve a four-year term and (2) in 2026, and every four years after, the members of Districts 1 and 2 must each serve a four-year term. Applies to elections held on or after the act becomes law.
Intro. by Hise. | Watauga |
Actions on Bills: 2023-10-18
Actions on Bills: 2023-10-18
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