Enacts new Part 12 to Article 21 in GS Chapter 143, establishing the Agricultural Water Resources Assistance Program (Program) in the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, with implementation by the Soil and Water Conservation Commission (Commission). Places joint responsibility for the Program in the Commission and the Board of Agriculture. States that the Program’s purpose is to help farmers and agricultural landowners: (1) increase water use efficiency, availability, and storage (2) conserve and protect water resources and increase water use efficiency through best management practices and (3) increase water storage and availability for agricultural purposes. Details six requirements and limitations of the Program. Creates the 15- member Agricultural Water Resources Assistance Program Advisory Committee, which will meet quarterly to assist and advise the Commission on the Program. Directs the Commission and the Board of Agriculture to report to the Environmental Review Commission and the Fiscal Research Division by March 31 each year, with the first report due by March 31, 2013. Establishes the Agricultural Water Resources Assistance Account in the Division of Soil and Water Conservation to fund the Program.
Makes conforming changes to GS 14-234(d3), exempting applications and grants under the Program from the provisions regarding public officer or employee benefit from public contracts, as detailed. Makes conforming changes to GS 139-4(d) and (e) (pertaining to the Commission) and GS 139-8(b) (powers of soil and water conservation districts and supervisors).
Effective July 1, 2011.
Bill Summaries: all (2011-2012 Session)
Bill S 638 (2011-2012)Summary date: Apr 18 2011 - View summary