Bill Summary for S 733 (2021-2022)

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Summary date: 

Aug 16 2021

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View NCGA Bill Details2021
Senate Bill 733 (Public) Filed Monday, August 16, 2021
Intro. by Rabon.

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Bill summary

Includes whereas clauses.

Part I.

Appoints the specified persons to the following public offices upon the recommendation of the President Pro Tempore of the Senate, effective on the specified date, with terms expiring as provided: the 911 Board; the Acupuncture Licensing Board; the African-American Heritage Commission; the Board of Trustees of the State Health Plan for Teachers and State Employees; the Board of Trustees for the Teachers' and State Employees' Retirement System; the Boxing Commission; the Cleveland Community College Board; the Commission for Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities; and Substance Abuse Services; the Crime Victims Compensation Commission; the Criminal Justice Education and Training Standards Commission; the Disciplinary Hearing Commission of the North Carolina State Bar; the Domestic Violence Commission; the Economic Investment Committee; the Ferry Transportation Authority Board of Trustees; the Judicial Standards Commission; the Justus-Warren Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Task Force; the License to Give Trust Fund; the Local Government Commission; the North Carolina Agricultural Finance Authority; the North Carolina Appraisal Board; the North Carolina Behavior Analysis Board; the North Carolina Board for Licensing of Soil Scientists; the North Carolina Board of Athletic Trainer Examiners; the North Carolina Board of Dietetics/Nutrition; the North Carolina Board of Electrolysis Examiners; the North Carolina Board of Science, Technology, and Innovation; the North Carolina Cemetery Commission; the North Carolina Charter Schools Advisory Board; the North Carolina Child Care Commission; the North Carolina Clean Water Management Trust Fund Board of Trustees; the North Carolina Code Officials Qualification Board; the North Carolina Criminal Justice Information Network Governing Board; the North Carolina Education and Workforce Innovation Commission; the North Carolina Emergency Medical Services Advisory Council; the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission; the Board of Directors of the North Carolina Global TransPark Authority; the North Carolina Housing Finance Agency Board of Directors; the North Carolina Human Resources Commission; the Board of Directors of the North Carolina Institute of Medicine; the North Carolina Interpreter and Transliterator Licensing Board; the North Carolina Irrigation Contractors' Licensing Board; the North Carolina Landscaping Contractors' Licensing Board; the North Carolina Locksmith Licensing Board; the North Carolina Manufactured Housing Board; the North Carolina Marine Industrial Park Authority; the North Carolina Medical Board; the Board of Trustees of the North Carolina Museum of Art; the North Carolina On-Site Wastewater Contractors and Inspectors Certification Board; the North Carolina Parks and Recreation Authority; the North Carolina Professional Educator Preparation and Standards Commission; the North Carolina Railroad Board of Directors; the North Carolina Respiratory Care Board; the North Carolina Sheriffs' Education and Training Standards Commission; the North Carolina State Board of Examiners of Fee-Based Practicing Pastoral Counselors; the North Carolina State Building Commission; the North Carolina State Commission of Indian Affairs; the North Carola State Ports Authority; the North Carolina Teaching Fellows Commission; the North Carolina Turnpike Authority Board; the North Carolina Veterinary Medical Board; the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission; the Outdoor Heritage Advisory Council; the Private Protective Services Board; the Rules Review Commission; the Rural Infrastructure Authority; the University of North Carolina Center for Public Media Board of Trustees; and the Well Contractors Certification Commission.

Part II.

Appoints the specified persons to the following public offices upon the recommendation of the Speaker of the House of Representatives, with terms expiring as provided: the North Carolina Center for the Advancement of Teaching Board of Trustees; the African-American Heritage Commission; the North Carolina Agricultural Finance Authority; the Alarm Systems Licensing Board; the North Carolina State Banking Commission; the North Carolina State Building Commission; the North Carolina Behavior Analysis Board; the North Carolina Capital Facilities Finance Agency Board of Directors; the North Carolina Cemetery Commission; the Centennial Authority; the North Carolina Charter Schools Advisory Board; the North Carolina Child Care Commission; the State Board of Chiropractic Examiners; the North Carolina Code Officials Qualification Board; the State Board of Cosmetic Art Examiners; the Criminal Justice Education and Training Standards Commission; the North Carolina Criminal Justice Information Network Governing Board; the North Carolina Board of Dietetics/Nutrition Board; the Disciplinary Hearing Commission of the North Carolina State Bar; the Dispute Resolution Commission; the Domestic Violence Commission; the North Carolina Education and Workforce Innovation Commission; the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission; the Ferry Transportation Authority Board of Trustees; the North Carolina Board of Funeral Service; the North Carolina Global TransPark Authority Board; the Board of Trustees of the State Health Plan for Teachers and State Employees; the North Carolina Home Inspector Licensure Board; the North Carolina Housing Finance Agency Board of Directors; the North Carolina Housing Partnership; the State Human Resources Commission; the North Carolina Institute of Medicine Board of Directors; the Interstate Commission on Educational Opportunity for Military Children State Council; the North Carolina Irrigation Contractors' Licensing Board; the Judicial Standards Commission; the Justus-Warren Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Task Force; the North Carolina Landscape Contractors' Licensing Board; the License to Give Trust Fund; the Local Government Commission; the North Carolina Locksmith Licensing Board; the North Carolina Manufactured Housing Board; the North Carolina Marine Industrial Park Authority; the North Carolina Board of Massage and Bodywork Therapy; the Commission for Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities; and Substance Abuse Services; the North Carolina Museum of Art Board of Trustees; the North Carolina On-Site Wastewater Contractors and Inspectors Certification Board; the Outdoor Heritage Advisory Council; the North Carolina Parks and Recreation Authority; the North Carolina State Ports Authority; the North Carolina Principal Fellows and TP3 Commission; the Private Protective Services Board; the North Carolina Professional Educator Preparation and Standards Commission; the Railroad Company Board of Directors; the North Carolina Respiratory Care Board; the Board of Directors of Roanoke Island Historical Association, Inc.; the Rules Review Commission; the Rural Infrastructure Authority; the North Carolina Board of Science, Technology, and Innovation; the North Carolina Sheriffs' Education and Training Standards Commission; the Board of Trustees of the Teachers' and State Employees' Retirement System; the North Carolina Teaching Fellows Commission; the Umsead Act Competition Review Panel; the North Carolina Veterinary Medical Board; the North Carolina State Water Infrastructure Authority; the Well Contractors Certification Commission; the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission; and the University of North Carolina Center for Public Media Board of Trustees. 

Part III.

Provides that appointments begin on the date the act becomes law, unless otherwise provided.