Amends the supervision provisions under the Psychology Practice Act (GS 90-270.139) as follows. Enacts GS 90-270.139(e1), which exempts certain licensed psychological associates from supervision if they have met the following requirements: (1) 3,000 hours of postgraduate degree experience in the delivery of psychological services under the supervision of one or more qualified licensed psychologists within a time period of at least 24 consecutive months and less than 60 consecutive months and (2) they submit an application for independent practice with proof of the required hours. Requires the NC Psychology Board (Board) to approve a licensed psychological associate to engage in independent practice if the licensed psychological associate meets those requirements. Makes conforming changes to GS 90-270-139(e) and deletes all of the specified activities for when a licensed psychological associate needs supervision set forth in GS 90-270-139(e)(3). Instead, provides that a licensed psychological associate needs supervision when they engage in psychology. Deletes Board’s rulemaking authority to this section and to define further activities that require supervision. Amends GS 90-270.153 (pertaining to certification as a health services provider under the Psychology Practice Act) to allow for licensed psychological associates who do not need supervision under the requirements set forth above to be granted certification as a health services provider psychological associate upon submission of an application fee.
Amends the terms of office for members of the Board to allow for the Governor to appoint a new member to the Board within 60 days of any vacancy. Deletes provisions requiring the NC Psychological Association, in consultation with chairs of graduate departments of psychology in the State, to submit names of three candidates to the Governor for selection. Instead, requires Board to solicit applications for membership from all licensees of the Board. From the applications, the Board must submit the names of the applicants qualified to all licensees for a vote. From that vote, the Board will submit a list of the three highest vote getters to the Governor for selection. Makes conforming changes. Effective October 1, 2023, and applies to vacancies existing on or after that date.
Effective October 1, 2023.
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Bill S 570 (2023-2024)Summary date: Apr 4 2023 - View Summary