Senate amendments make the following changes to the 1st edition.
Senate amendment #1 adds to the exemptions set forth for the new requirement of GS 143-341, directing the Department of Administration to use seeds and plants classified as native to the state on all land owned or leased by the State or a State agency, plantings for wildlife by the Wildlife Resources Commission.
Senate amendment #2 revises the proposed changes to GS 136-18(9), which require the Department of Transportation to use seeds and plants classified as native to the state in highway rights-of-way, to allow DOT to use nonnative grasses and seeds for the purpose of soil and slope stabilization for erosion control.
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Bill S 628 (2021-2022)Summary date: May 12 2021 - View Summary
Bill S 628 (2021-2022)Summary date: Apr 7 2021 - View Summary
Includes whereas clauses.
Amends GS 143-341 to require the Department of Administration, in consultation with university system and community college horticulture programs and the North Carolina Forestry Association, to use seeds and plants classified as native to the state on all land owned or leased by the State or a State agency. Exempts (1) nonnative seeds and plants used in landscaping for locations where the primary purpose is crop cultivation, crop and horticulture research, science, botanical gardens, and zoos and (2) nonnative turf grass.
Amends GS 136-18 to require the Department of Transportation, in consultation with university system and community college horticulture programs and the North Carolina Forestry Association, to use seeds and plants classified as native to the state in highway rights-of-way. Makes conforming deletions.
Amends GS 136-41.3 to require cities and towns to use (was, to strongly prefer) seeds and plants classified as native to North Carolina when the use of Powell Bill funds includes landscaping.
Amends GS 143B-135.56 to require the NC Parks and Recreation Authority to require projects awarded matching funds from the Parks and Recreation Trust Fund for local park and recreation purposes, to use seeds and plants classified as native to the state. Exempts (1) nonnative seeds and plants used in landscaping for locations where the primary purpose is crop cultivation, crop and horticulture research, science, botanical gardens, and zoos and (2) nonnative turf grass.