Part I
Directs the Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources (Division) of the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) to study the adequacy and compliance with reporting requirements for delegated local erosion and sedimentation control programs. Requires the Division to report to the specified NCGA Committee by January 1, 2020, having considered the reporting aspects described. Based on the study findings and report, directs the Sedimentation Control Commission to issue rules revising the delegated local program reporting requirements and amend existing agreements with delegated local programs to incorporate the revised requirements.
Amends GS 113A-60(b), adding a new requirement for the Sedimentation Control Commission to review each local erosion and sedimentation control program for compliance with requirements of Article 4 of GS Chapter 113A (Sedimentation Pollution Control Act) at least every five years.
Part II
Adds to GS 113A-54.1, regarding the approval of erosion control plans, to require DEQ to collect and maintain data for at least two years regarding compliance with its internal targets for review and approval of erosion and sedimentation control plans. Requires the data be reported quarterly to the Sedimentation Control Commission, in the format described, to be used by the Commission to determine whether DEQ should modify the internal targets to ensure continued improvement in program efficiency.
Part III
Amends GS 113A-54 to require the Sedimentation Control Commission’s rules adopted for carrying out the erosion and sedimentation control program to provide for the use of site-specific risk factors in determining the frequency of inspection of land-disturbing activities conducted by DEQ pursuant to GS 113A-61.1.
Part IV
Adds to GS 113A-61.1, concerning the inspection of land-disturbing activities, and GS 113A-60, by authorizing a local government or group of local governments establishing a limited program or joint limited program under the statute to contract with a licensed professional engineer or licensed landscape architect to conduct inspections of land-disturbing activities on its behalf.
Part V
Amends GS 113A-54.2, increasing the application fee from $65 to $125 per acre of disturbed land shown on an erosion and sedimentation control plan or of land actually disturbed during the life of the project, for review of an erosion and sedimentation control plan under Article 4. Amends GS 113A-60, increasing the maximum total fee amount which may be charged by a local government to cover the cost of inspection and program administration activities (including the fee amount established by GS 113A-54.2) from $100 to $170 per acre. Effective July 1, 2019.
Part VI
Amends GS 113A-54, requiring the Sedimentation Control Commission to establish information management policies and directing the Commission to compel the DEQ Secretary to create a performance management system that meets three specified criteria, as described.
Part VII
Requires the Division to report to the specified State Commissions and NCGA Committee regarding implementation of the act by January 1, 2020.
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Bill S 70 (2019-2020)Summary date: Feb 14 2019 - View Summary