Amends the requirements for private protective services licensing in GS 74C-8 to provide that in the event that a qualifying agent upon whom a business entity relies in order to do business ceases to perform his duties, the business entity must obtain a substitute qualifying agent within 90 (was, 30) days, unless the Private Protective Services Board (Board) extends the period for good cause for an additional 30 days upon the filing of a petition by the business entity and upon a hearing by the Board. Allows the Board to require the payment of a late fee for a business entity failing to obtain a substitute qualifying agent. Requires a license applicant to pay the initial fee and make the required Private Protective Services Education Fund (Fund) contribution within 90 days from the date the applicant receives notice of pending licensure approval unless the Board extends the period for good cause for an additional 30 days upon filing a petition and having a hearing. Allows the Board to require the payment of a late fee.
Amends GS 74C-9 to set a $100 cap on the late fees authorized above. Allows the board to grant a 90-day extension to a licensee, trainee, or registrant who is temporarily unable to complete the renewal application requirements because of a physical disability or medical condition. Provides specifications for the documentation necessary for the extension.
Amends GS 74C-12 to also allow the Board to deny, suspend, or revoke a trainer certification.
Amends GS 74C-13 to require a proprietary employer who employs an armed guard to submit an application to the Board and requires the employer to renew its license every two years.
Effective July 1, 2013.
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Bill H 466 (2013-2014)Summary date: Mar 28 2013 - View Summary
Bill H 466 (2013-2014)Summary date: Mar 27 2013 - View Summary
To be summarized at a later date.