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  • Summary date: Dec 14 2016 - View Summary

    Amends GS 93A-3 to require at least two members of the North Carolina Real Estate Commission (Commission) to be licensed community association managers.

    Adds new Article 7, Community Association Managers, to GS Chapter 7. Prohibits acting as a community association manager on or after July 1, 2016, without a license from the Commission, with specified exemptions. Defines community association managercommunity association, and private community association manager school. Establishes requirements for licensure and conditions under which licensure can be denied. Requires every community association manager to be covered by a fidelity bond or an insurance policy that meets the specified requirements. Sets out disciplinary actions that the Commission may take. Makes violation of the Article a Class 1 misdemeanor. Gives the Commission authority to license private community association manager schools and prohibits operating a private community association manager school without a license. Sets out further requirements for licensing private community association manager schools, including licensing fees and licensing standards. Requires private community association manager schools to execute a $5,000 bond.

    Enacts new Article 8, Registration of Community Associations, in GS Chapter 93A. Requires every community association to register annually with the Commission beginning January 1, 2016. Specifies information that must be provided to the Commission.

    Enacts new GS 143B-966 to allow criminal record checks for applicants for community association manager licensure.

    Makes conforming changes to GS 47F-3-116. Enacts new GS 47F-3-117 (concerning planned community associations) and new GS 47C-3-120 (concerning condominium owners' associations), requiring these associations to register with the Commission and adds that failure to register means that the association will not be able to enforce liens filed against a lot or lot owner.