House committee substitute to the 1st edition makes the following changes. Amends definition of nonconforming sign in GS 160D-912.1(a) so that it now means an on-premises advertisement lawfully installed but that does not comply with current ordinances or regulations (was, does not comply with ordinances or regulations due to changed conditions). If a local government chooses to pay monetary compensation to an owner for a nonconforming sign under GS 160D-912.1(b), the local government must remove the sign at a time mutually agreed upon by the owner of the sign and the government (previously, no provision concerning mutually agreed upon time). If the local government chooses the reimbursement option, then the sign owner must now bring the sign into compliance with the current regulations in a timely manner. Clarifies that the local government may bring an action in superior court to determine both compensation or reimbursement if the parties are unable to agree on the amount of compensation or reimbursement. Makes organizational changes.