Changes the provisions governing funds remitted to the Department of Revenue by registers of deeds collected from taxing real property conveyance instruments under GS 105-228.30. Rather than crediting the required portion of proceeds remitted to DOR to the General Fund, requires DOR to credit remitted funds at the rate of 30% to the Parks and Recreation Trust Fund, 30% to the Land and Water Fund, 30% to the Coastal Storm Damage Mitigation Fund, and 10% to the NC Agricultural Development and Farmland Preservation Trust Fund. Makes conforming changes to the statutes governing those identified Funds: GS 143B-135.56; GS 143B-135.234; and GS 106-744 (does not amend GS 143-215.75M regarding the Coastal Storm Damage Mitigation Fund). Effective July 1, 2021.