AN ACT TO MAKE VARIOUS CHANGES TO THE STATUTES GOVERNING THE WILDLIFE RESOURCES COMMISSION. SL 2021-160. Enacted Sept. 20, 2021. Effective Sept. 20, 2021, except as otherwise provided.
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Bill History:
Thu, 25 Feb 2021 House: Filed
Mon, 1 Mar 2021 House: Passed 1st Reading
Thu, 18 Mar 2021 House: Serial Referral To Marine Resources and Aqua Culture Stricken
Thu, 18 Mar 2021 House: Serial Referral To Finance Stricken
Tue, 23 Mar 2021 House: Reptd Fav Com Substitute
Tue, 23 Mar 2021 House: Re-ref Com On Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House
Tue, 23 Mar 2021 House: Withdrawn From Com
Thu, 25 Mar 2021 House: Serial Referral To Finance Added
Tue, 30 Mar 2021 House: Reptd Fav Com Sub 2
Tue, 30 Mar 2021 House: Re-ref Com On Finance
Thu, 3 Jun 2021 House: Reptd Fav Com Sub 3
Tue, 22 Jun 2021 House: Reptd Fav Com Sub 4
Tue, 22 Jun 2021 House: Cal Pursuant Rule 36(b)
Tue, 22 Jun 2021 House: Placed On Cal For 06/23/2021
Wed, 23 Jun 2021 House: Amend Adopted A1
Wed, 23 Jun 2021 House: Amend Adopted A2
Wed, 23 Jun 2021 House: Passed 2nd Reading
Wed, 23 Jun 2021 House: Passed 3rd Reading
Wed, 23 Jun 2021 House: Ordered Engrossed
Thu, 24 Jun 2021 House: Regular Message Sent To Senate
Thu, 24 Jun 2021 Senate: Regular Message Received From House
Thu, 24 Jun 2021 Senate: Passed 1st Reading
Thu, 24 Jun 2021 Senate: Ref To Com On Rules and Operations of the Senate
Mon, 2 Aug 2021 Senate: Withdrawn From Com
Tue, 24 Aug 2021 Senate: Reptd Fav Com Substitute
Tue, 24 Aug 2021 Senate: Com Substitute Adopted
Tue, 24 Aug 2021 Senate: Re-ref Com On Finance
Wed, 25 Aug 2021 Senate: Reptd Fav
Wed, 25 Aug 2021 Senate: Re-ref Com On Rules and Operations of the Senate
Mon, 30 Aug 2021 Senate: Reptd Fav
Tue, 31 Aug 2021 Senate: Passed 2nd Reading
Tue, 31 Aug 2021 Senate: Passed 3rd Reading
Wed, 1 Sep 2021 Senate: Regular Message Sent To House
Wed, 1 Sep 2021 House: Regular Message Received For Concurrence in S Com Sub
Fri, 3 Sep 2021 House: Cal Pursuant 36(b)
Fri, 3 Sep 2021 House: Placed On Cal For 09/08/2021
Tue, 7 Sep 2021 House: Withdrawn From Cal
Tue, 7 Sep 2021 House: Cal Pursuant Rule 36(b)
Wed, 8 Sep 2021 House: Withdrawn From Cal
Wed, 8 Sep 2021 House: Added to Calendar
Wed, 8 Sep 2021 House: Concurred In S Com Sub
Wed, 8 Sep 2021 House: Ordered Enrolled
Thu, 9 Sep 2021 House: Ratified
Fri, 10 Sep 2021 House: Pres. To Gov. 9/10/2021
Mon, 20 Sep 2021 House: Signed by Gov. 9/20/2021
Mon, 20 Sep 2021 House: Ch. SL 2021-160
Bill Summaries:
Bill H 181 (2021-2022)Summary date: Sep 20 2021 - View Summary
Bill H 181 (2021-2022)Summary date: Aug 24 2021 - View Summary
Senate committee substitute to the 6th edition makes the following changes.
Deletes the proposed changes to GS 143C-8-12, which would have allowed the Wildlife Resources Commission to approve expenditures for a capital project of the Wildlife Resources Commission if (1) the project will be funded entirely with agency receipts or federal funds and (2) any operating costs associated with the project will be paid entirely with agency receipts or federal funds. Instead, authorizes the following capital projects to be funded with receipts or from other non-General Fund and non-State Capital and Infrastructure Fund sources available to the Wildlife Resources Commission, in the specified amounts: (1) funded in both 2021-22 and 2022-23--Land Acquisition and Boating Access Areas Repairs & Renovations; (2) funded in 2021-22--Infrastructure Repairs & Renovations, Setzer Hatchery Renovation, Samarcand Training Facility, New Bern Depot Boat Storage Building, Marion Aquaculture Building, Elizabethtown Depot Equipment Storage Building, McKinney Lake Residence, Sandhills Depot Equipment Storage Building, District 7 Storage Building - Wilkesboro, Burnsville Depot, Balsam Depot Renovation, and Game Land Improvements; and (3) funded in 2022-23--Morganton Depot Equipment Storage Building, Mills River Depot Equipment Storage Building, Caswell Depot Equipment Storage Building, and Rhems Depot Equipment Storage Building.
Bill H 181 (2021-2022)Summary date: Jun 23 2021 - View Summary
House amendments add the following content to the 5th edition.
Amendment #1 amends GS 113-276 to also include eligible members of a rescue squad, or emergency medical services squad for five consecutive fiscal years, among those who are eligible for an adult resident lifetime hunting and fishing license at 50% of the applicable license fee amount. Defines volunteer rescue or emergency medical services squad member as an individual appearing on the certified roster of eligible rescue or emergency medical services squad members submitted to the North Carolina Association of Rescue and Emergency Medical Services, Inc., under the specified statute.
Amendment #2 amends GS 113-295 by making it illegal to place bait for the purpose of intentionally interfering with the lawful taking of wildlife. Makes violations punishable as a Class 2 misdemeanor, with second and subsequent convictions as a Class 1 misdemeanor. Effective December 1, 2021, and applies to offenses committed on or after that date.
Bill H 181 (2021-2022)Summary date: Jun 22 2021 - View Summary
House committee substitute makes the following changes to the 4th edition.
Eliminates the proposed changes to GS 113-136, which made it illegal to refuse to allow inspectors, protectors, or other law enforcement officers to inspect weapons, equipment, fish, or wildlife if the officer reasonably believes them to be possessed incident to an activity regulated by any law or rule as to which inspectors and protectors have enforcement jurisdiction (the changes also no longer required the inspector, protector, or other law enforcement officer to have a reasonable suspicion that a violation has been committed, no longer limited inspection of fish or wildlife to the purpose of ensuring compliance with bag limits or size limits, and eliminated the specification that stated the provisions did not authorize inspection in the absence of a person in apparent control of the listed items).
Makes conforming organizational changes, renumbering the act's sections.
Bill H 181 (2021-2022)Summary date: Jun 3 2021 - View Summary
House committee substitute makes the following changes to the 3rd edition.
Eliminates proposed GS 143-254.7, authorizing the Wildlife Resources Commission (WRC) to negotiate fees for all design contracts and supervise the letting of all construction and design contracts, and develop procedures governing the architecture and engineering duties of the Department of Administration and the Director or Office of State Construction with respect to property developments at WRC boating access areas, public fishing areas, and game lands which require the estimated expenditure from sources other than tax revenues of $750,000 or less.
Eliminates the proposed changes to GS 143-341, exempting WRC vehicles used primarily for law enforcement purposes from those required to be included on the Department of Administration's schedule for all State agencies to transfer ownership, custody or control of all passenger motor vehicles of that agency to the Department.
Amends GS 113-273(g), changing the fee structure of controlled hunting preserve operator licenses. Now sets the fee for a controlled hunting preserve operator license for rabbits at $25 and for domestically raised birds, foxes, and coyotes at $100 (was a flat fee of $100).
Makes conforming organizational changes, renumbering the act's sections.
Bill H 181 (2021-2022)Summary date: Mar 30 2021 - View Summary
House committee substitute makes the following changes to the 2nd edition.
Eliminates the previous provisions of Section 5, which enacted GS 113-292(f), authorizing the Wildlife Resources Commission (WRC) to issue proclamations suspending or implementing WRC inland fishing rules in response to natural disasters, human health emergencies, and issues threatening or compromising the biological integrity of a species or population, with detailed requirements and enforcement provisions regarding proclamations issued.
Eliminates the previous provisions of Section 10, which directed the WRC to develop a manual of practices to identify customary and responsible methods and practices of hunting deer with dogs, including documenting associated history and applicable property rights, by June 30, 2021. Eliminates proposed conforming changes to the course requirements set forth in GS 113-270.1A.
Bill H 181 (2021-2022)Summary date: Mar 23 2021 - View Summary
House committee substitute makes the following changes to the 1st edition.
Makes a technical change to the proposed changes to GS 113-273(l) concerning wildlife control agent licenses and (m) concerning alligator control agent certification.
Eliminates the previous provisions of Section 10, which amended GS 113-270.1A to require obtaining a dog hunter education certificate for completion of a dog hunter education course before a person may pursue or chase deer with dogs for the purpose of training or hunting, and required the Wildlife Resource Commission (WRC) to establish an advisory committee to create the dog hunter education course. Instead provides the following.
Directs the WRC to develop a manual of practices to identify customary and responsible methods and practices of hunting deer with dogs, including documenting associated history and applicable property rights, by June 30, 2021. Requires consultation with organizations promoting or conducting dog hunting in the State. Requires the WRC to publish the manual and include information on deer dog hunting best practices in the statutorily required hunter safety course by July 31, 2021. Makes conforming changes to the course requirements set forth in GS 113-270.1A, effective July 31, 2021.
Adds the following new provisions.
Amends GS 113-136, concerning the enforcement authority of inspectors and protectors, as follows. Makes it unlawful to refuse to allow inspectors, protectors, or other law enforcement officers to inspect weapons or equipment, fish, or wildlife that the officer reasonably believes to be possessed incident to an activity regulated by any law or rule as to which inspectors and protectors have enforcement jurisdiction; no longer requires the inspector, prospector, or other law enforcement officer to have a reasonable suspicion that a violation has been committed (previously not required for the inspection of shotguns only). No longer limits inspection of fish or wildlife to the purpose of ensuring compliance with bag limits or size limits. Eliminates the specification that stated the provisions did not authorize inspection in the absence of a person in apparent control of the listed items.
Allows for an individual qualifying for an adult resident lifetime sportsman license under GS 113-270.1D(b)(3) who is 50 years old but younger than 70 years old to purchase the license at 50% of the applicable fee of $500; excludes firefighters eligible for a discounted license under GS 113-276(o). Similarly amends GS 113-351 to allow for an individual qualifying for a resident adult lifetime unified sportsman/coastal recreational fishing license under sub-subdivision (c)(3)c. who is 50 years old but younger than 70 years old to purchase the license at 50% of the applicable fee of $675; similarly excludes firefighters eligible for a discounted license under GS 113-276(o).
Bill H 181 (2021-2022)Summary date: Feb 25 2021 - View Summary
Enacts GS 143-254.7 to authorize the Wildlife Resources Commission (WRC) negotiate fees for all design contracts and supervise the letting of all construction and design contracts, and develop procedures governing the architecture and engineering duties of the Department of Administration and the Director or Office of State Construction, as specified, with respect to property developments at WRC boating access areas, public fishing areas, and game lands which require the estimated expenditure from sources other than tax revenues of $750,000 or less. Requires use of the standard contracts used for State capital improvement projects by the office of State Construction. Prohibits division of contracts to evade the statute's limitations. Prohibits the Department of Administration from awarding contracts now within the authority of WRC. Establishes annual reporting requirements for WRC to report to the State Building Commission, as specified. Effective July 1, 2021.
Amends GS 143C-8-12 to authorize WRC to approve expenditures for WRC capital projects that will be funded entirely with agency receipts or federal funds and operating costs paid entirely with receipts or federal funds. Adds annual reporting requirements to the Office of State Budget and Management and the specified NCGA commission. Effective July 1, 2021.
Amends GS 143-341 to exempt WRC vehicles used primarily for law enforcement purposes from those required to be included on the Department of Administration's schedule for all State agencies to transfer ownership, custody or control of all passenger motor vehicles of that agency to the Department. Effective July 1, 2021.
Enacts GS 113-291.7(c) and (d) to require a hunter that has harvested a black bear to submit a premolar tooth to WRC by January 31 following the applicable prior bear hunting season, along with the specified contact information, customer number and bear harvest authorization number, sex of the bear and county of harvest. Makes violations an infraction punishable by a $35 fine. Prohibits assessing court costs for infractions, but authorizes the WRC Executive Director to revoke or refuse to issue bear e-stamp privileges to individuals guilty of the infraction for two consecutive years or upon failure to pay outstanding fines. Applies to bear hunting seasons beginning on or after October 1, 2021. Authorizes WRC to adopt temporary and permanent implementing rules.
Enacts GS 113-292(f), authorizing WRC to issue proclamations suspending or implementing WRC inland fishing rules in response to natural disasters, human health emergencies, and issues threatening or compromising the biological integrity of a species or population. Allows WRC to delegate the authority to its Executive Director. Requires the Executive Director to maintain a permanent file of the text of all proclamations in the Executive Director's office. Details requirements of proclamations issued, including requiring the proclamation to be issued at least 48 hours prior to its effective date and time, with exceptions, and providing for its continued validity until a rescinding proclamation is issued in the same manner. Authorizes seizure of any fisheries resources taken or possessed in violation of a proclamation regardless of actual notice, and authorizes criminal action. Describes reasonable efforts to give notice to affected parties. Deems certified copies entitled to judicial notice.
Repeals subsection (b) of Section 35, SL 2015-263, which requires WRC to annually report to the specified NCGA committee on the number of complaints received against WRC law enforcement officers, the subject matter of the complaints, and the geographic areas in which the complaints were filed.
Amends GS 113-273 to establish an annual certification for a wildlife control technician under the direct supervision of a licensed wildlife control agent and who engages in wildlife damage control or wildlife removal activities for compensation, including bat eviction and alligator damage control or removal activities. Defines compensation to include reimbursement for cost of materials. Sets the certification fee at $25, issued by WRC. Excludes authority to issue depredation permits. Prohibits requiring the certification for licensed trappers taking wild animals during an appropriate established trapping season. Authorizes WRC to adopt rules to certify and set standards for the technicians. Makes technical changes. Effective October 1, 2021.
Amends GS 113-276 to exempt a resident or nonresident of this State who served as a member of the Armed Forces and who separated under honorable conditions, from the statutory Mountain Heritage Trout fishing license requirements while the individual is fishing in Mountain Heritage Trout waters. Requires documentation of service to be on the person while fishing in order to qualify for the exemption. Effective October 1, 2021.
Amends Section 1 of SL 2019-98 to make it unlawful, during waterfowl seasons, to leave or place any equipment or vessels that may be used for taking migratory waterfowl between two hours after sunset and 4:00 am each day unless remaining on a portion of the shoreline or attached to a dock as authorized by the shoreline or dock owner. Amends the current prohibition on leaving unattended or unoccupied any equipment or vessels for taking migratory waterfowl, to limit it to between 4:00 am and two hours after sunset (was, prior to 4:00 am). Applicable to Roanoke Rapids Lake only.
Amends GS 113-270.1A to require obtaining a dog hunter education certificate for completion of a dog hunter education course before a person may pursue or chase deer with dogs for the purpose of training or hunting. Makes specified requirements for the courses in hunter ethics, wildlife laws and regulations, and competency and safety in the handling of firearms also applicable to this certificate and education course. Requires the WRC to adopt rules to implement these requirements. Requires the WRC to establish, from its membership, an advisory committee to create the dog hunter education course. Requires the committee to also include at least two representatives from organizations promoting or conducting dog hunting in the state.
Enacts new GS 143-254.7 allowing the WRC to declare a wildlife emergency if it determines that an outbreak of Chronic Wasting Disease in the state constitutes a significant threat to deer and other cervid species. If an emergency is declared, requires the WRC to request needed additional funding from the Contingency and Emergency Fund to the Council of State; approved funds are to be allocated to the Chronic Wasting Disease Emergency Response Fund. Requires the WRC to request any available federal funds and to use those funds to offset State funds appropriated under this section. Requires the WRC to inform the Office of State Budget and Management of the amount of State funds offset by federal funds, and requires the funds to be transferred from the Response Fund to the Contingency and Emergency Fund when the federal funds are received. Effective July 1, 2021.