House committee substitute makes the following changes to 2nd edition. Effective October 1, 2011, adds new GS 15A-101.1(3a) to define “electronic monitoring,” “electronically monitor,” and “satellite-based monitoring.”
Effective October 1, 2011, adds new GS 14-208.18 to specify that a person subject to a sex offender registration requirement and who is required to wear an electronic monitoring device must wear one that provides exclusion zones around the premises of all elementary and secondary schools in North Carolina.
By October 1, 2011, directs the Department of Correction to replace the electronic monitoring service and equipment currently being used with a provider that offers electronic monitoring equipment and service that provides exclusion zones around the premises of every elementary and secondary school in the state to protect children from sex offenders for whom it is unlawful to knowingly be on the premises of elementary and secondary schools.
Effective October 1, 2011, directs the Department of Correction to report to the Joint Legislative Corrections, Crime Control, and Juvenile Justice Oversight Committee by June 1, 2012, regarding the implementation of the new electronic monitoring service and equipment.