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  • Summary date: May 21 2014 - View Summary

    Identical to S 833, filed 5/21/14.

    Requires the State Board of Education (State Board) to study the development and implementation of a statewide compensation plan that incorporates information from the NC Educator Evaluator System, the recognition of educator performance in relation to compensation, and compensation for employment in hard to staff schools and subject areas. Provides that the goal of a statewide compensation system is to improve learning by providing every student with a highly effective teacher. Specifies five ways in which a proposed plan must increase student achievement. Requires the State Board to: (1) examine compensation models that incorporate the listed goals, and (2) consider nine specified factors in implementing a statewide compensation model that incorporates information from the NC Educator Evaluation System, including using a point based scale correlating with evaluation standards and effectiveness ratings, professional support, and development of a proposed implementation timeline. Require the State Board, based on the study results, to develop a proposal for a statewide compensation plan that incorproates educator performance information and data, taking feedback from educators and stakeholders into consideration. Requires a report by the State Board to the Joint Legislative Education Oversight Committee by November 15, 2014. Requires that the State Board submit the final proposal for the plan to the Senate Appropriations Committee on Education/Higher Education, the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Education, and Fiscal Research Division by March 15, 2015. Prohibits the State Board from implementing any element of the plan without the General Assembly enacting legislation.