AN ACT TO EXPAND THE EXEMPTION FROM BUILDING RULES FOR FARM BUILDINGS TO INCLUDE FARM BUILDINGS USED FOR SPECTATOR EVENTS. Summarized in Daily Bulletin 3/10/11, 3/24/11, 4/6/11, 6/14/11, and 6/16/11. Enacted June 27, 2011. Effective June 27, 2011, and applies to all farm buildings, including farm buildings where either construction either began or was completed prior to that date.
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Summary date: Jun 30 2011 - View Summary
Bill H 329 (2011-2012)Summary date: Jun 16 2011 - View Summary
Senate amendment, adopted on 6/15/11, makes the following changes to 4th edition. Amends GS 143-138(b4)(1) to provide that a farm building that might otherwise qualify for exemption from building rules remains subject to an annual safety inspection, as detailed.
Bill H 329 (2011-2012)Summary date: Jun 14 2011 - View Summary
Senate committee substitute makes the following changes to 3rd edition. Deletes amendments made to GS 143-138(b4) in previous edition and instead deletes statutory language in GS 143-138(b4)(1), which provides that a farm building that might otherwise qualify for exemption from building rules is not exempt if the building is used for a spectator event and more than 10 members of the public are present.
Bill H 329 (2011-2012)Summary date: Apr 6 2011 - View Summary
House amendment makes the following changes to 2nd edition.
Amends GS 143-138(b4)(1) to provide that a farm building will not be exempt from building rules if it is used for a spectator event at which 50 or more members of the public are present (was, more than 10 members of the public are present), unless the fire marshal of the county in which the building is located issues a permit in accordance with GS 153A-357 to the owner or lessee of the property (was, unless the person or organization responsible for the event established a fire watch for the duration of the event). Provides that approval will be granted after the fire marshal has verified that it is a temporary event, any outstanding unsafe conditions have been mitigated, and a fire watch has been established. Defines temporary as an event that is held in the building not more than four times per calendar year and the period of continuous use does not exceed 24 hours (was, temporary means that the spectator event and all other spectator events in the building have a total duration of no more than 120 hours in any calendar year).
Bill H 329 (2011-2012)Summary date: Mar 24 2011 - View Summary
House committee substitute makes the following changes to 1st edition.
Amends GS 143-138(b4)(1) to provide that a farm building will not be exempt from building rules if it is used for a spectator event and more than 10 members or the public are present for the event, unless the spectator event meets the following conditions: (1) the event is temporary, defined as a total duration of no more than 120 hours in any calendar year, and (2) the person or organization responsible for the event establishes a fire watch, as defined, for the duration of the event. The previous edition removed language limiting exemption to farm buildings with certain spectator events.
Bill H 329 (2011-2012)Summary date: Mar 10 2011 - View Summary
Amends GS 143-138(b4), as title indicates. Applies to all farm buildings, including farm buildings where construction either began or was completed before the act’s effective date.