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  • Summary date: Apr 3 2023 - View Summary

    Sets forth findings related to coal combustion products in certain structural fill sites. Appropriates $1 million in nonrecurring funds for the 2023-24 fiscal year to the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) to conduct a pilot program for assessment and initial remediation of high-risk coal combustion products structural fill sites (CCP sites) where coal combustion products were placed prior to the enactment of the Coal Ash Management Act of 2014. Specifies study scope, study contents, and remedial actions that must be a part of the study. Requires DEQ to provide an interim report by no later than April 1, 2024, and a final report by December 1, 2024, to the specified NCGA committee and division to include a summary of the activities funded by the act, a list of the sites selected for further remedial activities, and a description of the work undertaken at the selected sites. Permits DEQ to include recommendations on the necessity, potential scope, and funding needs for a permanent program to address CCP sites. Permits DEQ to establish up to two time-limited positions to fund the activities authorized by the act. Specifies that funds appropriated by the act do not revert at the end of the fiscal year but shall remain available to fund the completion of the study and remedial projects authorized by the act. Effective July 1, 2023.