Titles the act the "Traveling Animal and Safety Protection Act." States 14 legislative findings.
Enacts new Article 2A, Use of Exotic or Wild Animals in Traveling Acts, to GS Chapter 19A, providing the following. Prohibits any person from causing a performance of or allowing for the participation of an exotic or wild animal in a traveling animal act, defined as a performance with one or more animals that transports the animals from place to place in a mobile housing facility (as defined) for the purpose of participation in the performance. Defines exotic or wild animal as 20 identified taxa and their hybrids, regardless of whether the animal was captured from the wild or bred in captivity. Defines causing a performance to include providing, arranging for, sponsoring, or obtaining financial benefit from the use of an exotic or wild animal in a traveling animal act. Defines performance to include any act, circus, ride, carnival, display, exhibition, parade, petting zoo, race, or similar undertaking in which animals are required to perform tricks, give rides, participate in photographic opportunities, or serve as an accompaniment for the entertainment or amusement or other benefit of an audience. Establishes five exemptions, including using an exotic or wildlife animal in an exhibition at a nonmobile, permanent, accredited institution, facility, zoo or aquarium, an exhibition at a wildlife sanctuary (as defined), or an environmental education program (as defined) meeting specified mobile housing facility restrictions and accreditation or licensing standards.
Makes violations a Class 2 misdemeanor. Provide for enforcement by wildlife protectors of the Wildlife Resources Commission, sheriffs and deputy sheriffs, and other law enforcement officers with general subject matter jurisdiction. Grants wildlife protectors the same powers granted in Article 13 (Jurisdiction of Conservation Agencies), GS Chapter 113 to enforce the new Article.
Effective January 1, 2022.
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Bill H 594 (2021-2022)Summary date: Apr 19 2021 - View Summary