Makes the following changes to GS 88B, Cosmetic Art.
Expands authority of the Board of Cosmetic Art Examiners (Board) to include inspecting mobile salons. Adds the defined term mobile salon. Sets the licensing application and annual fee for mobile salons at $25, with a $10 late fee. Enacts GS 88B-15.1 authorizing motor homes to be used as a mobile salon for practicing cosmetic art. Provides for licensure, the Board's rulemaking, and other requirements regarding mobile salons, including requiring owners to provide the Board with a written monthly itinerary listing locations, dates, and hours of operation. Makes conforming changes to the Chapter to make the Chapter's licensing requirements and regulations applicable to mobile salons.
Makes the following changes to GS Chapter 86A, governing barbers.
Expands authority of the Board of Barber Examiners (Board) to include inspecting and adopting sanitary regulations for mobile barbershops. Requires a permit in order to operate or manage a mobile barbershop. Sets the permit application and annual fee for mobile barbershops at $50, with a $45 late fee, and sets inspection of newly established mobile barbershops at $120. Enacts GS 86A-13A authorizing motor homes to be used as a mobile barbershop for the practice of barbering. Provides for permitting, the Board's rulemaking, and other requirements regarding mobile barbershops, including requiring owners to provide the Board with a written monthly itinerary listing locations, dates, and hours of operation. Makes conforming changes to the Chapter to make the Chapter's licensing requirements and regulations applicable to mobile barbershops.
Allows the North Carolina Board of Cosmetic Art Examiners and the State Board of Barber Examiners to adopt temporary rules to implement this act.
Effective October 1, 2021.
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Bill H 590 (2021-2022)Summary date: Apr 15 2021 - View Summary