Requires the Commissioner of Insurance to adopt permanent rules applicable to insurers writing residential property and casualty insurance policies that are consistent with the following. Requires insurers writing residential property and casualty insurance policies in this state to: (1) with respect to new business, take no more than 90 days from the effective date of the policy to make any underwriting investigation other than review of the initial application and to bill the insured for proper rating and classification, and prohibits denying a claim based on underwriting a risk after the effective date of the policy and the presentment of a claim and (2) with respect to renewal business, prohibits billing for any additional premium after the renewal quotation is made, for any condition which existed at the time of renewal. Requires these measures to be implemented until the effective date of the Commissioner's permanent rules. Defines residential property and casualty insurance as insurance against loss to residential real property with no more than four housing units located in this state or any contents thereof or valuable interest therein and other insurance coverages written in connection with the sale of such property insurance. Effective October 1, 2021, and expires when the permanent rules are effective.
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Bill S 587 (2021-2022)Summary date: Apr 6 2021 - View Summary