Directs the NC Policy Collaboratory (Collaboratory) at UNC-Chapel Hill to continue to identify faculty, expertise, technology, and instrumentation located within identified constituent institutions, as well as other public or private institutions in the State, and coordinate with the identified faculty, technology, instrumentation, and other resources, as resources permit, to (1) conduct targeted and nontargeted analysis for per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) through continuation of the NC PFAS Testing Network (Network); (2) conduct specified sampling, testing, and monitoring, toxicology work, and data management, analysis, and dissemination with regard to PFAS; (3) develop and deploy technologies to mitigate PFAS exposure and health impacts from exposure; and (4) evaluate and pursue other research opportunities with respect to PFAS. Directs the Collaboratory to use UNC-Wilmington faculty and staff to assist with project management of the requirements.
Directs the Collaboratory to continue to report the results of required sampling to the Environmental Review Commission, specified State agencies, the EPA, and the public through the Network's website.
Appropriates $15 million for 2021-22 from the General Fund to the UNC Board of Governors to be allocated to the Collaboratory to manage and implement the act, with distribution included for three specified purposes. Bars participating institutions from using funds for overhead or other indirect costs. Provides that the funds do not revert. Exempts purchases made with funds under the act from certain State laws governing public contracts and procurement. Requires at least $10 million of the funds to be directed to development within the UNC System of a technology or technologies that use water filtration or other chemical or physical technologies to remove or mitigate the presence of PFAS from water supplies where it is present, for deployment at three separate water supply locations at which analytical data demonstrates that PFAS contamination exists in order to test the efficacy of the technology or technologies. Describes three water supply locations for deployment, with selection by the Collaboratory in consultation with faculty and staff identified pursuant to the act. Requires cooperation and assistance from State and local government entities.
Directs the Collaboratory to continue to pursue relevant public and private funding opportunities available to address the impacts of PFAS on surface water, groundwater, and air quality.
Directs UNC-Chapel Hill to apportion all gross revenue associated with any intellectual property related to ionic fluorogel water filtration or other technologies developed using research funds provided by the Collaboratory as appropriated by the act, in specified percentages to the General Fund, the inventor of the technology, and UNC-Chapel Hill, with UNC-Chapel Hill's percentage further divided as specified.
Bill Summaries: S 544 2021 WATER SAFETY ACT.
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Bill S 544 (2021-2022)Summary date: Apr 6 2021 - View Summary
Bill S 544 (2021-2022)Summary date: Apr 5 2021 - View Summary
To be summarized.