House committee substitute makes the following changes to the 1st edition.
Amends the act's long title.
Amends the proposed changes concerning depredation permits issued by the Wildlife Resources Commission (Commission), set out in GS 113-274(c)(1a). Modifies the proposed changes concerning property owners and lessees, now making daily and season bag limits apply to property owners or lessees of property who lease property for purposes of agriculture hunting upon the property (previously, made bag and season limits apply to property owners or lessees taking wildlife while hunting upon the property). Makes conforming and clarifying changes.
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Bill H 49 (2019-2020)Summary date: Mar 12 2019 - View Summary
Bill H 49 (2019-2020)Summary date: Feb 12 2019 - View Summary
Modifies provisions concerning depredation permits issued by the Wildlife Resources Commission (Commission), set out in GS 113-274(c)(1a). Current law authorizes the taking, destruction, and removal of undesirable, harmful, predatory, excess, or surplus wildlife or wildlife resources. Current law further specifies that no depredation permit or license is needed for the owner or lessee of property to take wildlife while committing depredations upon the property. Modifies the statute to now specify that bag and season limits apply to property owners or lessees taking wildlife while hunting upon the property, though no license is needed. Further, now requires a depredation permit to be issued pursuant to the subsection for taking more than the daily or season limits of wildlife. Creates a process for property owners or lessees to request a depredation permit for deer, requiring the Commission to study the deer population on the property and set a taking limit for that property, with the limit applicable to the owner and any lessee of the property. Creates a new requirement for any owner or lessee to notify the Commission of a wildlife taking within 24 hours by email or online reporting. Requires the Commission to impose a duty to avoid wanton waste on any owner or lessee of land with respect to deer taken on their property. Defines wanton waste to mean to kill or cripple deer without making a reasonable effort to retrieve and properly dispose of it. Defines properly dispose of a deer to include donations to food banks and other nonprofits, but not including sales. Effective October 1, 2019. Authorizes the Commission to issue temporary rules to implement the act.