The Governor vetoed the act on 06/30/17. The Governor's objections and veto message are available here:
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Bill H 576 (2017-2018)Summary date: Jul 3 2017 - View Summary
Bill H 576 (2017-2018)Summary date: Apr 24 2017 - View Summary
House committee substitute makes the following changes to the 2nd edition.
Makes changes to the title of the bill.
Modifies amendments to GS 130A-294(a)(4)e. to include the management as well as disposal of leachate. Clarifies that the wastewater would be non-domestic and collected from a lined sanitary landfill. Adds wastewater from swine lagoon to exclusion under this subsection. Clarifies that aerosolization of leachate is acceptable for site management within the landfill lined areas only. Adds authorization for the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) to consider aerosolization of leachate as an acceptable method of site management for unlined landfills and requires applicants to provide the DEQ with data on contaminants of concern around the landfill emanating from aerosolization.
Adds requirement that DEQ gather information on aerosolization projects authorized under the act and report findings and recommendations to the Environmental Review Commission by March 31, 2018.
Bill H 576 (2017-2018)Summary date: Apr 20 2017 - View Summary
House committee substitute makes the following changes to the 1st edition.
Changes the act's long title.
Modifies the proposed new provisions to GS 130A-294 (Solid waste management program) to direct the Department of Environmental Quality to approve aerosolization of leachate and wastewater as an acceptable method of disposal of leachate and wastewater collected from a sanitary landfill for the disposal of municipal solid waste, except those permitted for the disposal of coal combustion residuals (previously, did not specify for the disposal of municipal solid waste or exclude those permitted for the disposal of coal combustion residuals).
Bill H 576 (2017-2018)Summary date: Apr 5 2017 - View Summary
Amends GS 130A-294 (Solid waste management program) to direct the Department of Environmental Quality, for the purpose of the disposal of leachate and wastewater collected from a sanitary landfill, to approve aerosolization of such leachate and wastewater as an acceptable method of disposal. Provides that aerosolization of leachate or wastewater that results in effluent-free production or a zero-liquid discharge does not constitute a discharge that requires a permit under GS Chapter 143, Article 21 or 21B.