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  • Summary date: Apr 6 2017 - View Summary

    Amends GS 50-13.2, concerning orders for custody of minor children, by specifying that between the parents, whether natural or adoptive, it is the State's policy to to encourage active and ongoing participation of both parents in the child's life and time with both parents when it is in the child's best interest, regardless of the parents' present or past marital status, subject to laws regarding abuse, neglect, and dependency. Requires that joint physical and legal custody to the parents and the opportunity to submit a jointly agreed upon parenting plan be considered upon the request of either parent.

    Provides that an order for custody of a minor child may grant joint physical and legal custody (was, joint custody) to the parents. Adds that in determining the terms of custody and upon the request of either parent, the court must consider a minimum of 40% time annually with each parent unless the arrangement would not be in the best interest of the child; would risk the safety of the child or other party, including risk associated with acts of domestic violence; or any other findings the court deems applicable. States that the inability of the parents to cooperate with each other is not to be a factor that weighs against the best interests of the child in having minimum visitation time with both parents.