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  • Summary date: May 30 2012 - View Summary

    Senate committee substitute makes the following changes to 3rd edition.
    Amends GS 110-91(2) (concerning health-related activities of child care facilities) to clarify that the Child Care Commission (Commission) must adopt rules regulating food and beverages provided by child care facilities. Expands and clarifies the exception from such rules currently provided to parents as follows: (1) allows parents and guardians to provide food and beverages to their child that do not meet Commission standards and to opt out of any supplemental food program and (2) prohibits the Commission or other entity from evaluating the nutritional value of food or beverages provided by a parent, as indicated. Makes organizational changes.
    Amends Section 10.7(f) in the Appropriations Act of 2011 to direct the Division of Child Development and Early Education to establish income eligibility requirements for the NC Pre-K program that do not exceed 75% of the state median income; allows up to 20% of enrolled children to have family incomes above the cutoff if they have other designated risk factors (currently, the Division serves at risk-children regardless of income). Repeals Section 10.7(h) in the Appropriations Act of 2011, which established a parent co-payment requirement.

  • Summary date: Jun 1 2011 - View Summary

    House amendment makes the following changes to 2nd edition. Limits provisions of the act to competitive foods and beverages sold to students (previously applied to competitive foods and beverages sold or served to students). Rewrites proposed GS 115C-264.4(b) by clarifying that fund raisers conducted after the end of the last lunch period of the day (was, fund raisers for grades 9-12) are exempted from the definition of competitive food.

  • Summary date: May 24 2011 - View Summary

    House amendments make the following changes to 2nd edition. Amendment #1 deletes language requiring the State Board of Education to cooperate with stakeholders in adopting rules regarding food and beverages sold or served to students. Amendment #2 adds new subsection (h1) to GS 115C-238.29F, requiring charter schools participating in the National School Lunch Program to comply with nutritional rules adopted by the State Board of Education for competitive foods and beverages sold or served to students. Charter schools must comply beginning with 2012-13 school year. Makes a conforming change to the bill title.

  • Summary date: May 18 2011 - View Summary

    House committee substitute makes the following changes to 1st edition.
    Repeals GS 115C-264.2, the current statute regarding vending machine sales.
    Deletes proposed changes to GS 115C-264.3 (Child Nutrition Program standards) and instead enacts new GS 115C-264.4 requiring the State Board of Education (Board), in cooperation with the various stakeholders, to adopt nutritional rules for all competitive foods and beverages sold or served to students. Directs the Board to adopt either of the following standards as the initial statewide standard for competitive foods and beverages: (1) the Alliance for a Healthier Generation’s Competitive Foods and Beverages Guidelines or (2) the National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Medicine’s Recommended Standards for Competitive Foods and Beverages in Schools. Requires that the rules must include, but are not limited to, standards for calorie, fat, sugar, and sodium content.
    Directs the Board to report on the status of the final rules by April 30, 2012, to the Joint Legislative Health Care Oversight Committee and the Joint Legislative Education Oversight Committee. Requires the Board to adopt the rules by April 30, 2012, and directs local boards of education to implement the rules by the start of the 2012-13 school year. Directs the Board to periodically review the nutritional rules for competitive foods and beverages to ensure that the rules remain current and science-based. Also requires the Board to review the nutritional rules when there are any changes in federal law regarding competitive food.
    Defines competitive food as any food or beverage sold or served to students on school grounds that is not a part of the school breakfast or school lunch program. Includes vending, school stores, snack bars, fund-raisers, and other informal food sales to students. Does not include child nutrition programs, culinary and other curriculum programs, fundraisers for grades 9-12 conducted after the last lunch period of the day, and extracurricular events.
    Includes, in new GS 115C-264.4, the following provisions from repealed GS 115C-264.2: (1) prohibits making snack vending or soft drinks available to elementary school students and (2) provides that a school is not prohibited from adopting stricter rules than provided in this act with respect to snack and beverage vending.

  • Summary date: Mar 29 2011 - View Summary

    Enacts new subsection (b) to GS 115C-264.3, directing the State Board of Education to annually examine the statewide nutrition standards and make modifications to reflect current products in the marketplace, best practices in the industry, and science-based evidence from the most current edition of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, published by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
    Enacts new subsection (d) to GS 115C-264.2, requiring school stores, snack bars, fundraisers, and other informal food sales to students on campus during the instructional day, as defined, to meet the most current edition of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans by the 2011-12 school year. Excepts child nutrition programs, culinary programs, fundraisers for grades 9-12 conducted after the lunch period, and extracurricular events from the requirement. Makes a conforming change to the statute catchline.