Enacts new subsection (b) to GS 115C-264.3, directing the State Board of Education to annually examine the statewide nutrition standards and make modifications to reflect current products in the marketplace, best practices in the industry, and science-based evidence from the most current edition of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, published by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Enacts new subsection (d) to GS 115C-264.2, requiring school stores, snack bars, fundraisers, and other informal food sales to students on campus during the instructional day, as defined, to meet the most current edition of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans by the 2011-12 school year. Excepts child nutrition programs, culinary programs, fundraisers for grades 9-12 conducted after the lunch period, and extracurricular events from the requirement. Makes a conforming change to the statute catchline.