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  • Summary date: Mar 16 2017 - View Summary

    Identical to H 285 filed on 3/8/17.

    Enacts new GS 115C-375.10 (Youth suicide awareness and prevention training and risk referral protocol for school personnel).

    Directs the State Board of Education in consultation with the Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Public Health, to develop a youth suicide awareness and prevention training program and a model risk referral protocol to provide to school personnel who work directly with K-12 students, consisting of at least two hours of evidence-informed instruction to increase awareness of suicide, identification of risk factors and signs, and information for suicide prevention resources and support. Directs that the model risk referral protocol must provide guidelines on identification of at-risk students, suicide prevention procedures, and referral sources. Directs that the training program and model risk referral protocol shall be periodically reviewed and updated as necessary.

    Directs each local school administrative unit to provide the training program and model risk referral protocol, or a locally developed plan that meets the requirements of this statute, to school personnel who work directly with K-12 students at no cost to the employee. Directs that school employees who work directly with K-12 students shall receive the training within 12 months of employment and annually thereafter while employed with that local school board. Authorizes several methods of administering the training.

    Authorizes local boards of education to develop local plans that include, at minimum, (1) conveying information on State and national data on suicide rates, methods, and at-risk populations; (2) myths and attitudes about suicide; (3) warning signs and symptoms; (4) identification of at-risk students and steps for referral to support services; (5) protective factors for suicide prevention; and (6) safe messaging to children. Also requires that a local plan shall include at least (1) a plan to include specialized training for specified student support personnel; (2) a safety plan for the school in the event of identification of an at-risk student and suicide or suicide attempt by a student enrolled in the school; (3) designation of a school employee as the school suicide prevention responder; (4) a plan for communication with at-risk students' parents or legal guardians; and (5) a plan for post-intervention for at-risk students, including reentry into the classroom.

    Directs each local school administrative unit to report to the Department of Public Instruction on compliance with mandatory training and prevention requirements under this statute by September 15 of each year.

    Prevents civil liability for local boards of education and its members, employees, designees, agents, and volunteers, for acts or omissions of acts relating to the training program or protocol required by this statute unless those acts or omissions amount to gross negligence, wanton conduct, or intentional wrongdoing.

    Enacts new GS 115C-218.75(g) to require charter schools to provide a youth suicide awareness and prevention training program and risk referral protocol in accordance with new GS 115C-375.10. Directs the charter school to report to the Department of Public Instruction by September 15 on compliance with required training and prevention activities. Prevents civil liability for charter school boards of directors, their members, employees, designees, agents, and volunteers for acts or omissions relating to the training programs and protocols required by this statute unless those acts or omissions amount to gross negligence, wanton conduct, or intentional wrongdoing.

    Applies beginning with the 2018-19 school year.