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  • Summary date: Feb 14 2017 - View Summary

    Directs the State Board of Education (Board) to modify the State graduation requirements to include one required credit in arts education, to be completed any time in grades 6 through 12. Implementation begins with students entering the sixth grade in 2020. Requires the Board to include an exemption from the arts education requirement for students who transfer to a North Carolina public school beginning in the ninth grade or later if adhering to the requirement would result in a student being unable to graduate with the graduation class to which the student was assigned when transferring to North Carolina's public school system. Further directs the State Board of Education to (1) establish procedures and a timeline for a phased-in implementation of the new arts requirement; (2) establish the minimum criteria to meet the arts requirement; and (3) report to the Joint Legislative Education Oversight Committee, by December 15, 2020, on the statewide implementation of the three interdependent components of comprehensive arts education (arts education, arts integration, and arts exposure) and this new graduation requirement.