Amends GS 14-202(m) to provide that certain subsections of the statute do not apply to the personnel of the Division of Juvenile Justice (Division) of the Department of Public Safety (DPS). Amends GS 15-203, stating the Secretary of Public Safety (Secretary) has the sole discretion to establish minimum experience requirements for probation officers. Amends GS 18B-500(a) to authorize appointment of regular DPS employees as alcohol law-enforcement agents. Adds new subsection (g) to GS 18B-500, permitting the transfer or consolidation of alcohol law-enforcement agents for special purposes. Amends GS 20-79.5(a) to eliminate two of the three numerically designated vehicle plates of the Secretary. Amends GS 114-19.6(a)(1) (concerning criminal history record checks) to expand the definition of covered person to include independent contractors and their employees and Division volunteers.
Adds new subsection (e) to GS 120C-500, directing the Secretary to designate between one and five liaison personnel as lobbyists for DPS. Makes certain adjustments to the Governor’s power to exempt managerial and policymaking positions at DPS in GS 126-5(d)(1). Amends GS 143B-600(a) to expand the responsibilities of the head of the Division of Adult Correction (Division) and to remove the Criminal Justice Partnership Program from the Grants Management Section. Amends GS 143B-704, directing the Division to establish an alcoholism and chemical dependency treatment program as specified; deletes references to the Substance Abuse Program and makes conforming changes to GS 143B-705. Amends GS 143B-710 to specify that the Secretary must appoint a chief deputy secretary to head the Division (the Secretary is the current head), and makes conforming changes to GS 143B-806, directing appointment of chief deputy secretary to head the Division of Juvenile Justice. Specifies that the Division of Juvenile Justice, rather than the Office of Juvenile Justice, must develop and implement a juvenile delinquency and substance abuse prevention plan under GS 143B-840(a). Repeals Section 19.1(hhh2) of the Appropriations Act of 2011, which directed DPS to create regional offices in the Division of Law Enforcement.
Makes additional technical and clarifying changes to various provisions related to DPS.
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Bill S 880 (2011-2012)Summary date: May 23 2012 - View Summary