Identical to S 298, filed 3/17/15.
Senate committee substitute makes the following changes to the 1st edition.
Amends proposed GS 153A-246, concerning automated school bus safety cameras, making clarifying changes. Requires that all of the warning signs of the camera be consistent with a statewide standard adopted by the State Board of Education (was, the Department of Public Instruction) in conjunction with local boards of education that install and operate automated school bus safety cameras on their school buses.
Amends proposed GS 115C-242.1 adding language to subsection (b) concerning the installation and operation of the safety cameras setting out three ways in which the cameras can be installed or operated, including that a local board of education can contract with a private vendor, it can enter into a contract to install and operate with a private vendor, or the State Board of Education can enter into a statewide service or contract for regional services, as specified. Also include provisions by which local boards of education and boards of county commissioners can enter into interlocal agreements to implement the purpose and intent of this section and GS 153A-246. Deletes language which previously comprised proposed GS 115C-242.1(c), Statewide or Regional Contract, and (d), Exceptions to Statewide or Regional Contract.
Directs the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) to annually submit a report covering the most recent five years prior to the reporting date to the NC Child Fatality Task Force and the General Assembly by October 1. Requires the report to include total number of offenses charged under GS 20-217, by county, and total number of convictions under GS 20-217, by county.
Provides that a county that adopts an ordinance as provided in GS 153A-246 must maintain records of all noncriminal violations of that ordinance when a civil penalty is assessed.
Requires the State Board of Education, within 90 days of the enactment of this act, to develop a model contract for use by the local boards of education in letting and awarding contracts in accordance with the specified provisions.
Adds language to the effective date clause providing that the requirements found in GS 115C-242.1(b)(2) do not apply to a local board of education that entered into a contract prior to July 1, 2015, with a private vendor to install and operate automated school bus safety cameras.
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Bill H 536 (2015-2016)Summary date: Apr 2 2015 - View Summary