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  • Summary date: Mar 31 2015 - View Summary

    Amends Article 5 of GS Chapter 87 as follows. Renames the Article as Commercial Refrigeration Contracts. Renames the State Board of Refrigeration Examiners as the State Board of Commercial Refrigeration Examiners (Board) and modifies the Board's membership. 

    Defines the terms commercial refrigeration contractor, industrial refrigeration contractor, and transport refrigeration contractor. Requires the Board to issue the following licenses: (1) a Class I license for any person engaged in the business of commercial refrigeration contracting; (2) a Class II license for any person engaged in the business of industrial refrigeration contracting; (3) a Class III license for any person engaged in the business of repair, maintenance, and servicing of commercial equipment; and (4) a Class IV license for any person engaged in the business of transport refrigeration contracting. Requires issuance of a license to any licensee whose business activities required a Class I or II license if that licensee had an established place of business and was licensed before January 1, 2016.

    Increases the caps on the application, renewal, and reinstatement fees.

    Makes clarifying and organizational changes.

    Applies to applications submitted and Board membership appointments on or after January 1, 2016.