House amendment makes the following changes to the 2nd edition.
Changes the requirement that, by December 15, 2016 (was, October 15, 2016) the State Board of Education must approve at least one alternative, private, for-profit, or nonprofit lateral entry teacher education preparation program (previously, required the Board to approve at least one program, including any application from North Carolina Teachers of Tomorrow), but no more than four programs, if those programs meet the requirements of GS 115C-296.12(a1), as enacted by the act.
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Bill S 53Summary date: Jun 29 2016 - View Summary
Bill S 53 (2015-2016)Summary date: Jun 28 2016 - View Summary
House committee substitute makes the following changes to the 1st edition.
Changes the long and short titles.
Deletes all of the provisions of the previous edition and now provides the following.
Amends GS 115C-296.12, concerning lateral entry teacher education preparation programs, by adding a new subsection (a1) to allow the State Board of Education (Board) to approve alternative, private, for-profit or nonprofit lateral entry teacher preparation programs that meet standards set by the Board. Provides that the standards are to include preservice training pursuant to existing subsection (a) of the statute, as well as the competency-based standards necessary to earn a teaching license pursuant to subdivisions (1) through (4) of existing subsection (b) of the statute. Directs that the approved alternative, private, lateral entry teacher education preparation program providers are to administer the training to meet those standards. Makes conforming change to subsection (e) of the statute to reflect the option of an alternative, private, for-profit or nonprofit lateral entry teacher education preparation program that meets the standards set by the Board, as provided in new subsection (a1).
Directs the Board to request participation applications from alternative, private, for-profit or nonprofit lateral entry teacher education preparation programs no later than September 1, 2016. Requires that the Board must approve at least one program, including any application from North Carolina Teachers of Tomorrow, by October 15, 2016, but no more than four programs, if the programs meet the requirements of GS 115C-296.12(a1). Authorizes approved programs to begin operating as early as the 2017 Spring academic term.
Bill S 53 (2015-2016)Summary date: Feb 10 2015 - View Summary
Identical to H 44, filed 2/3/15.
Amends GS 160A-200 (Annual notice to chronic violators of overgrown vegetation ordinances), stating that initial annual notice is served by registered or certified mail, and when service is attempted by registered or certified mail, a copy of the notice can also be sent by regular mail. Service is sufficient if the registered or certified mail is unclaimed or refused but the copy sent by regular mail is not returned by the post office within 10 days after the mailing. If service by regular mail is used, a copy of the notice must be posted in a conspiciuos place on the property affected.