Senate committee substitute makes the following changes to 1st edition. Rewrites proposed GS 97-5.1 to provide that the presumption that any person who operates, and who has an ownership or leasehold interest in a taxicab as an independent contractor, is not rebutted solely because the operator is required to comply with rules and regulations imposed on taxicabs by the local government that licenses companies, taxicabs, and operators. Makes clarifying change to the definition of passenger motor vehicle that is operated as a taxicab in proposed GS 97-5.1(b).
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Bill S 659 (2011-2012)Summary date: Jun 2 2011 - View Summary
Bill S 659 (2011-2012)Summary date: Apr 19 2011 - View Summary
Enacts new GS 97-5.1 to provide that it is a conclusive presumption under GS Chapter 97 that any person who operates or has an ownership interest in (including a lease for a shift) a taxicab is an independent contractor.