Bill Summary for S 464 (2017-2018)
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Bill summary
Amends GS 93B-2 by adding the requirement that each occupational licensing board give the Joint Legislative Administration Procedure Oversight Committee (Committee) the name and contact information of the individual responsible for filing the required reports. Requires that the Committee be notified of any changes to that information within 30 days.
Amends GS 93B-5(g) to require occupational licensing board members to receive training on federal antitrust law and State action immunity, in addition to existing training requirements, within six months of a board member’s initial appointment to the board and at least once within every two calendar years thereafter.
Enacts six new sections in GS Chapter 93B (Occupational Licensing Boards).
Enacts GS 93B-17 to require occupational licensing boards to adopt rules for the receipt and resolution of complaints, for taking disciplinary or enforcement actions against its licensees, and for taking enforcement actions against unlicensed persons. Further, requires occupational licensing boards to adopt as a rule any interpretation, clarification, or other delineation of the scope of practice of an occupational licensing board.
Enacts GS 93B-18 to grant authority to an occupational licensing board to investigate unlicensed activity and to notify unlicensed persons and entities of the possible violation of the law and administrative rules, and any civil action or criminal penalty that may be imposed by a court. Provides language that must be included in a notice of possible violation to unlicensed persons and entities.
Enacts GS 93B-19 to establish that the venue for court enforcement is the superior court of the county where the defendant resides or in the county where the occupational licensing board has its principal place of business.
Enacts GS 93B-20 to provide for injunctive relief.
Enacts GS 93B-21 to provide that jurisdictional disputes among occupational licensing boards should be resolved through informal procedures, and if disputes cannot be resolved through informal procedures, the affected board may file a petition with the Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH), and the dispute will become a contested case conducted by OAH under Articles 3 and 4 of GS Chapter 150B.
Enacts GS 93B-22 to require each occupational licensing board to develop and implement a complaint process that provides (1) a description of the complaint process on the board’s web site, including the types of violations that are under the board’s jurisdictional authority; (2) an electronic complaint submission via the board’s web site, including a prominently displayed link to the form; and (3) the ability to provide complainants with a written description of the final disposition of each complaint.
Enacts GS 93B-23 to specify that a rule adopted by an occupational licensing board to increase a fee will become effective as provided in GS 150B-21.3(b) as though 10 or more written objections had been received.
Directs the Joint Legislative Administrative Procedure Oversight Committee to continue to monitor and study issues related to the scope of practice jurisdiction of occupational licensing boards.