Amends GS 15B-2 to define dependent as an individual wholly dependent (rather than wholly or substantially dependent) upon the victim for care and support and includes a child of the victim born after the victim’s death. Deletes term and definition for dependent’s economic loss.
Amends GS 15B-8.1(b) to declare that all records of the Division are open to public inspection. Requires information that is not public record to be kept confidential by the Crime Victims Compensation Commission (Commission) and the Director. Reorganizes and clarifies that disclosure of the following confidential information to victims and claimants is allowed: (1) all medical information relating to the mental, physical, or emotional condition of a victim or claimant; (2) all law enforcement records; (3) all juvenile records; (4) all personal information, as defined, of victims and claimants; and (5) all information concerning the disposition of claims for compensation, except the total amount awarded.
Amends GS 15B-14(b) to mandate (rather than allow) that the proceedings in a claim for compensation be suspended, pending disposition of a criminal prosecution that has been commenced or is imminent, upon the Attorney General’s request.
Amends GS 15B-16 to prohibit providers who write off bills to a victim or claimant from later seeking reimbursement from the Commission, Director, victim, or claimant. Makes a conforming change.
Applies to claims submitted on or after July 1, 2011.