Bill Summary for S 269 (2017-2018)
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Bill summary
Allows the City of Durham (City), by December 1, 2018, to establish and implement a pilot program to use electronic speed measuring systems to detect speeding in school zones. Defines electronic speed measuring system (system) to mean a mobile or fixed device (1) consisting of an automated traffic camera and sensor and (2) capable of measuring speed and producing one or more digital photographs of a motor vehicle violating the speed limit set in a school zone. Requires that the system produce at least one photo clearly showing a recorded image of the vehicle speeding; the vehicle registration number and state of issuance; the date, time, and location of the violation; and the recorded speed. Requires the posting of signs warning of the presence of the system.
Makes a violation of a speed limit set in a school zone detected by an electronic speed‑measuring system a noncriminal violation for which a civil penalty of $250 is to be assessed and for which no points are to be assigned. Requires the City to issue a notice of violation to the registered owner of a vehicle cited for a speeding violation detected by a system, and sets out requirements for what must be contained in the notice, as well as notice delivery requirements.
Makes the registered owner of a vehicle cited for a violation detected by the system responsible for the penalty unless, within 30 days of service of the notification, the owner submits a sworn affidavit containing information concerning who, other than the owner, had control of the vehicle at the time of the violation. If the registered owner fails to pay the penalty or respond to the notice within 30 days, the owner waives the right to contest responsibility and is subject to an additional $125 penalty. Sets out provisions concerning assigning liability to the actual operator when the operator was someone other than the registered vehicle owner.
Requires that any photos recorded by a system that captures a speeding violation in a school zone also be provided to the investigating law enforcement agency for use as evidence in any proceeding alleging a violation of GS 20‑141.1 (speed limits in school zones).
Sets out notification requirements for when a law enforcement officer cites or arrests a vehicle owner or operator in an area when a system is in use for detecting speeding. Prohibits the City from issuing a notice of violation upon receiving such notice from law enforcement.
Requires the City to establish an administrative nonjudicial hearing process to review challenges to penalties assessed under this act. Allows a person dissatisfied with the City's decision at the hearing to appeal the decision to the district court. Appeal must be made within 30 days of notification of a final decision by the City.
Allows the City and the Durham Public Schools Board of Education to enter into an interlocal agreement necessary and proper to effectuate the purpose and intent of this act. The agreement may include provisions on cost‑sharing and reimbursement.
Requires the City, no later than three years after implementing the pilot program, to report the results of the pilot program to the chairs of the Joint Legislative Transportation Oversight Committee and the chairs of the Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on Justice and Public Safety. Requires the State Bureau of Investigation, no later than one year after implementing the pilot program, to report the results of the pilot program to the chairs of the Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on Health and Human Services and the chairs of the Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on Justice and Public Safety.
Sets the pilot program to expire upon the earlier of the submission of the required report or three years after the date of implementation of the pilot program.