Amends GS 166A-19.24 (remote meetings during declaration of emergency) to do the following:
(1) Establish the presumption that remote meetings held pursuant to this statute are open to the public if the statute is complied with;
(2) Permit public bodies to amend meeting notices to provide the public the means to access a remote meeting when a member of the public body decides to attend remotely;
(3) Require that amended notices for a remote meeting be issued at least 6 hours prior to the meeting and be distributed and posted in accordance with notice requirements for non-regular meetings set forth in GS 143-318.12;
(4) Change the period for submission of written public comment for a public hearing during a remote meeting to the time between publication of the meeting notice and 24 hours before the scheduled start of the meeting; and
(5) Make a technical change.
Effective July 1, 2021, and applies to meetings held on or after that date.