Amends GS 113-182.1(b) to require the addition of a minimum size limit for each species of marine fish listed in the Division of Marine Fisheries Stock Status Report that corresponds to the likelihood of 75% of juvenile fish reaching maturity in order to have the opportunity to spawn at least once. Allows an exception for species which have a unique life cycle and maturity characteristics that would undermine generally accepted fishery management protocols, in which case the Fisheries Director must propose slot limits to protect the adult spawning stock. Requires the Marine Fisheries Commission (Commission) to adopt implementing rules based upon best available data from North Carolina or, if none, from other Atlantic states. Mandates the Director of the Division of Marine Fisheries review currently available data and present findings to the Commission no later than August 2019 to allow the Commission to impose temporary management measures establishing minimum size limits until Fishery Management Plans are adopted pursuant to this amendment.