Repeals SL 2018-5 Section 34.11 which (1) required reporting on specified information to the specified NCGA commission, committee, and division, at least 60 days before cancellation or modification of the Comprehensive Agreement, or any change in scope for the project covered by the Comprehensive Agreement (meaning the Comprehensive Agreement for the I-77 HOT Lanes project in Mecklenburg and Iredell Counties dated as of June 26, 2014, including any amendments made to the Comprehensive Agreement), (2) specified that if damages or other monetary penalties are determined to be owed by the State from the cancellation or modification of the Comprehensive Agreement, or a change in the scope of project, they must not be paid by funds subject to the requirements of GS Chapter 136, Article 14B (Strategic Prioritization Funding Plan for Transportation Investments) of Chapter 136 of the General Statutes; and (3) made the payment of any damages or other monetary penalties the State owes because of the cancellation or modification of the Comprehensive Agreement, or a change in the scope of the project, subject to appropriation by the General Assembly.