Requires the Environmental Management Commission and Department of Environmental Quality, no later than 180 days after the effective date of this act, to reopen and modify the Aquaculture Permit (the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Permit NCG530000 for discharges from seafood packing and rinsing, aquatic animal operations, and similarly designated wastewaters that took effect on December 1, 2021) as follows. Requires modifying the Aquaculture Permit so that it is substantively identical to the Prior Aquaculture Permit, defined as the NPDES General Permit NCG530000 for discharges from seafood packing and rinsing, aquatic animal operations, and similarly designated wastewaters that expired on March 30, 2021, and was subsequently replaced by the Aquaculture Permit. Defines substantively identical to include, at least, that species monitoring, discharge characteristic provisions, and best management practice requirements are no more stringent than and impose no requirements in addition to those in the Prior Aquaculture Permit. Expires when the Commission revises the Aquaculture Permit and notifies the Revisor of Statutes that it has done so.