House committee substitute to the 1st edition makes the following changes. Changes the reporting requirements of the designated Protection and Advocacy Agency (Agency) from a quarterly report of the actions the Agency has taken in its efforts to advocate for persons with disabilities to the specified joint NCGA agencies to the following: (1) A report submitted twice a year of actions the Agency has taken in its efforts to advocate for persons with disabilities to the specified NCGA Committees; (2) a report submitted by December 1, 2023 to the specified NCGA Committees on the Agency’s measured successes in advocating for persons with disabilities, which shall contain specific examples of how the Agency reduced barriers to employment, enabled independent living, and increased postsecondary educational opportunities for persons with disabilities; and (3) another report submitted by December 1, 2023, to the specified NCGA committee on the Agency’s outcomes in advocating for students with disabilities in elementary and secondary education with the minimum requirements specified in the act.