Amends Section 1.2 of SL 2017-41, continuing the work of the Social Services Regional Supervision and Collaboration Working Group (SSWG) convened by UNC School of Government in October of 2017 at the direction of Section 1.2. Deems the SSWG membership to consist of the currently constituted members as of December 1, 2018, and removes the requirement that six members appointed by the House Speaker and Senate President Pro Tempore (among whom co-chairs must be designated) must be members of the respective chamber. Directs the SSWG to continue to address regional supervision and interagency collaboration and regionalization. Requires the SSWG to convene no later than October 4, 1029, and continue developing the recommendations previously specified. Directs the SSWG to submit a report by April 15, 2020, and a final report by February 1, 2021, to the specified NCGA committee and the Department of Health and Human Services. Terminates the SSWG upon submission of the final report.