Bill Summary for H 28
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Bill summary
House committee substitute to the 2nd edition makes the following changes. Deletes all proposed revisions to GS 105-187.63 (use of tax proceeds).
Amends GS 143-58.2 (state policy and bid procedures, etc.) as follows. States that additional policy of the State is that all State departments and other units will, to the extent economically practicable, purchase and use, or require the purchase and use of, materials and supplies with compostable or recyclable content in food establishments operated under the auspices of the department, institution, agency, community college, and local school administrative unit.
Further amends the solid waste report requirements set forth in GS 130A-309.06(c) to delete the requirement that the summary of reports set forth in GS 130A-309.06(c)(21) include progress towards reaching the goals set forth in GS 143-58.3 (recycled paper and other goods).
Changes the entity charged with studying the issue of food service ware from the Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources to the UNC NC Policy Collaboratory (Collaboratory). Makes conforming and technical changes. Adds to the preliminary report required by the Legislative Services Officer to include any additional costs associated with replacing food service ware with compostable or recyclable materials.
Changes the entity charged with implementing the pilot program from the Division of Services for the Blind within the Department of Health and Human Services to the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources (Department). Changes the scope of the pilot program as follows: only focuses on eliminating the sale or provision of food or beverages in with service ware without any focus on where it is consumed and the facilities must operated by the Department instead of vending facilities for the blind. Requires the Department’s preliminary report to now also include information on any additional costs associated with replacing food service ware with compostable or recyclable materials.
Changes the definition of food service ware from noncompostable and nonrecyclable products to products other than compostable or recyclable products. Deletes provisions that specified that nonrecyclable does not include post use polymers or recovered feedstock processed at an advanced recycling facility.
Appropriates $50,000 in nonrecurring funds to the Collaboratory from the General Fund for FY 2023-24 to carry out the study described above, effective July 1, 2023. Deletes references to Section 1 in the effective date and the effective date for that deleted section.
Makes organizational changes.