Amends GS 130A-309.10 to add a new subsection prohibiting holders of on-premises malt beverage permits, on-premises unfortified wine permits, on-premises fortified wine permits, and mixed beverage permits from knowingly disposing of beverage containers in landfills or by incineration in an incinerator for which a permit is required when the containers are required to be recycled under GS 18B-1006.1 (additional requirement for certain permittees to recycle beverage containers). Makes conforming changes to the statute.
Amends GS 143-214.7 to require the Environmental Management Commission and the Department of Environment and Natural Resources to incorporate stormwater capture and reuse standards and best management practices into the implementation of stormwater runoff rules and programs to the maximum extent practicable.
Amends GS 143-135.37 to divide the standards for indoor and outdoor potable water use into two separate subsections. Adds the requirement to outdoor potable water use that weather-based irrigation controllers be used for irrigation systems for major facility construction projects. Requires that the Department of Administration engage an irrigation contractor licensed under GS Chapter 89G to perform an audit of any irrigation system for every major facility renovation project of a public agency. Also allows weather-based irrigation controllers that are water-use efficient to be used to reduce the potable outdoor water as required by existing language in the statute. Applies to every major facility construction project, as defined in GS 143-135.36, and every major facility renovation project, as defined in GS 143-135.36, of a public agency, as defined in GS 143-135.36, that has not entered the schematic design phase before the act’s effective date. Adds a definition of weather-based irrigation controller in GS 143-135.36.