House committee substitute makes the following changes to 1st edition.
Amends GS 122C-118.1 (structure of area boards) to add that the process for appointing members to the board must ensure participation from each of the counties of a multi-county area authority. Also specifies that registered lobbyists will not serve on a board. Amends proposed subdivision (5) in GS 153A-76 (prohibiting consolidation of an area mental health, development disabilities, and substance abuse services board into a consolidated human services board) to add that the provision does not apply to any board that has exercised the powers and duties of an area mental health, developmental disabilities, and substance abuse services board as of January 1, 2012. Restores, in GS 153A-77 (board of commissioner authority over consolidated boards, agencies, and commissions) the limitation of statute to counties with populations over 425,000, which was deleted in the previous version. Makes technical changes and adds a section to make conforming changes to GS 122C-115.1(i). Adds a section, amending SL 2011-264 (statewide expansion of 1915(b)(c) waiver), to clarify that local management entities (LMEs) must manage the waiver, and makes other clarifying changes.